What Should Be the Minimum Age for Vaping?

A girl holding vape pen

A girl holding vape pen

There has been an ongoing debate about what the minimum age for vaping should be for some time. Some argue that vaping age limits should be the same as age limits for smoking, while others argue that since e-cigs are far safer, the age limits should be lowered.

A recent study by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators suggests that setting the same legal purchasing age for e-cigs and regular cigarettes could result in a rise in the number of young smokers.

Dr. Michael Pesko, a health economist and assistant professor of health care policy and research at Weill Cornell Medicine, said: ”We should regulate tobacco products proportionate to their risks, and e-cigarette evidence suggests they’re less risky products. While there’s some risk, it would be a mistake to regulate them the same way we regulate cigarettes.”

As part of the study, they analyzed tobacco use data from 2007 to 2013 and found an 11.7% increase in regular teen cigarette use after states imposed e-cigarette age purchasing constraints.

Do you think age restrictions on ecig purchases make teens more likely to smoke? Share your thoughts below or tweet us @ILoveEcigs


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