Logic strives to be the best e-cig company on the market and I Love Ecigs goes all out to be the most outstanding distributor in the business. That’s why we work so hard to maintain a current and well-informed blog filled with how-tos, e-cig studies, and product characterizations! So, in light of continuing with the tradition that we started, we’re here to offer you some added insight into three frequently asked questions that we receive about Logic e-cigs.
How long do Logic batteries last?
Get ready to power up your vaping experience with an enduring e-cig battery that was built to deliver up to 300 puffs per charge. This means that while you’re out on-the-go during your busy work week or simply running errands on your days off, you can rest assured that your Logic e-cig will be ready to vape when you are. Although these state-of-the-art devices possess long-lasting battery technology, we recommend that you manually turn off your e-cig between uses and avoid overcharging the battery to maintain strong performance and duration. That being said, you should get roughly 300 puffs for each battery before it will need recharging. What a great investment!
Can I use my Logic e-cig indoors?
Although many studies support the notion that vaping is less harmful than smoking, there are still laws in the majority of states and provinces within the U.S. and Canada that possess regulations regarding vaping in indoor, public spaces. So, if you enter a premise where vaping happens to be legal, be sure to check what the restrictions are and consider who’s in your proximity. That being said since vapor doesn’t linger or leave toxic ingredients behind in the air, many people choose to use Logic e-cigs in the convenience of their own homes. It’s your choice whether or not to enforce a vape-free policy at home, although you should ensure that your device, e-juices, and batteries don’t find their way into the hands or mouths of children and pets.
How do I recycle my Logic disposable electronic cigarette and used e-liquid cartomizers?
The great news is that Logic disposable electronic cigarettes, cartomizers, and batteries are considered recyclable, electronic equipment and can be brought as salvage to most municipality depots. However, manufacturers suggest that all reclaimed batteries are fully discharged and cooled to qualify as electronic waste and metal cartomizers and devices should be cleaned ahead of being recycled. Who knew vaping could help you to reduce waste!
Do you have any pressing questions about Logic e-cigs? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.