It can always prove to be difficult to reach a new generation of tobacco smokers, but every year on May 31st we make it our mission to support World No Tobacco Day and what it represents. So, since we’re a few days away from this celebration of global awareness, catered to inform the public about the dangers of using tobacco, why not also give you some inspirational reasons to avoid the most preventable cause of death?
Relinquish your dependency for health reasons
The human body is remarkably forgiving and in as little as 20 minutes after you butt out your combustible cigarette, it starts to mend the damage by decreasing your heart rate, improving your blood circulation, and dropping your blood pressure from escalated levels. While there are other effects, such as your risk of developing lung cancer, heart disease, or lung disease, that may take a few years to decrease to the levels of a non-smoker, you will notice ample improvement to your overall health, including less coughing and shortness of breath, a renewed cardiovascular endurance, and a heightened ability for your body to fight off foreign viruses, once you quit smoking for good.
Surrender tobacco use for your loved ones
While the decision to quit should be determined by you, your loved ones may be the motivation getting you started. After all, the choices you make in life impact those around you! Whether you live with your elderly parents or have children at home, lighting up around them increases their chances of developing breathing complications, and as they grow older and watch you, their likelihood of becoming smokers themselves also increases. So, while the secondhand risk is often a catalyst for quitting combustibles, consider giving up tobacco through the use of a Logic vape pen or retiring nicotine entirely to increase your life expectancy, giving your family members your company for more years to come.
Rid yourself from the awful smell
As a smoker, you’ve likely become accustomed to the pungent odor of burning tobacco and until you quit cold turkey or transition to the alluring essence of a Logic vape pen device, you’ll never realize how overwhelming the smell is. While traditional cigarettes emit a stench into the air around you, the worst part is the smell of smoke clinging to your hair, clothing, and skin after you’ve finished. While brushing your teeth or washing your hands are temporary solutions to the problem, quitting smoking is a more beneficial resolution to your long-standing dilemma.
If you successfully quit smoking or transitioned to vaping, what were your reasons? Drop some explanations below to encourage our readers.