Why is it so hard to quit smoking combustible cigarettes cold turkey?

used combustible cigarette on the ground

Whether you want to start taking control of your health or you’re on the hunt for a renewed experience, it’s no secret that stopping combustible cigarettes is hard and the best way to quit smoking is over time with e-cigs and not cold turkey. Needless to say, listed below are the drawbacks you can expect if you choose to quit using this method. 

Why is quitting combustible cigarettes cold turkey such a challenge?

While disruption to routine and one’s mental dependency to the way combustible cigarettes feel, smell, and taste are common challenges presented when a user tries to quit, nicotine addiction is the primary reason so many ex-smokers delay their quit dates or return to smoking after a short time. This is why the best way to quit smoking is through a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as e-cigs, gum, or the patch. 

Stopping nicotine use altogether disrupts the brain’s chemical balance, leading to intense physical and psychological side effects that are unpleasant and often become unmanageable to most combustible cigarette users. However, for those who choose to quit cold turkey, this means you must stop using all tobacco products and fight your way through any withdrawal symptoms that arise without the use of any aids. 

Why is nicotine so addictive?

Nicotine is a stimulant drug that when inhaled by a combustible cigarette, boosts the user’s dopamine levels in their brain, which activates the reward center allowing the user to feel happy and calm. While this feeling happens naturally for people who are excited, those who use tobacco products for an extended time rely on this hit of nicotine to experience this sensation. 

Is quitting cold turkey dangerous for the ex-smoker?

While we always recommend e-cigs as the best way to quit smoking for good, the cold turkey quit method does not put your life in any danger. That said, it’s unpleasant and can sometimes come along with some painful withdrawal symptoms that impact the emotion and physical wellbeing of an individual’s recovery process. 

While the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal vary from user to user, here are some of the common ones for people who quit cold turkey:

  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Digestive issues
  • Cramping
  • Increased appetite 

Those who rely on willpower alone to ditch their habits, often experience some or many of the following issues down the road as well: 

  • Intense cravings
  • Psychological symptoms of withdrawal
  • Cheating and sneaking a cigarette or two
  • Giving up and returning to combustible cigarette smoking altogether

Smoking combustible cigarettes are dangerous and linked to many severe health conditions, as well as puts your loved ones at risk through secondhand smoke. If you would like to find success in your quit smoking journey, consider purchasing an e-cig and slowly lowering your nicotine levels over time instead of relying on the less effective cold turkey method. 

Did you learn anything new to help you on your quit smoking journey? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

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