What’s the secret to relinquishing tobacco long-term?

a cigarette cut in half

Even after most of your cravings are gone, there are many ex-smokers who voice that a part of them still longs for the tastes and smells of their past tobacco products. Whether it’s pure palatableness or a fond memory of routine, it can be difficult to move on from these dependencies. Learn what to expect after you first quit combustible cigarettes and how you can avoid slips or go back to smoking through the use of our lineup of vibrant Logic e-cig refills.

Cope with your stress 

Many ex-smokers used to rely on their traditional cigarettes as a means of coping with their stress levels. But there are now far healthier ways to kick your nicotine cravings by managing your intake and learning how to handle and take care of the situations that cause you stress. While stress manifests very differently for everyone and is an unavoidable part of life, combustible cigarettes are a common trigger. Contrary to popular belief, smoking inflicts more tension and anxiety on the body than it relieves. When the nicotine reaches the brain, it releases a feel-good chemical known as dopamine, which instills feelings of pleasure and relaxation that your body craves continuously. However, this effect is only temporary and as soon as it wears off, you’re left with increased blood pressure and heart rate, less oxygen, and tense muscles. So you see, the perceived feelings of relaxation are an illusion and the feelings of nicotine withdrawal always return. 

Here are some positive, healthier ways in which ways you can manage your stress:

  • Switch to e-cigs and satisfy your current nicotine level while changing the strength of Logic e-cig refills to continue to meet your needs over time. 
  • Practice deep breathing daily.
  • Eat healthier, more enriched foods.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Start a creative hobby 

Manage your weight

Most ex-smokers experience many changes to their metabolisms after their quit, resulting in weight gain. While fear of getting heavier is a common reason people veer off their quit-smoking journey, you shouldn’t let this small setback influence your want for a healthier lifestyle. After all, it’s the best time to focus on your exercise and eating habits. 

Here are some ways you can support your smoke-free goals and better manage your weight: 

  • Up your water intake.
  • Get up and move around often.
  • Control your food portions and go online for tasty, inspiring recipes.
  • Use Logic e-cig refills to keep your nicotine cravings in check.

Slips and relapses should never be considered failures, but rather opportunities to learn what works well for you and what times. While the end goal is a tobacco-free, nicotine-free life, it’s far easier to wave goodbye to the harmful effects of tobacco while managing your nicotine intake using Logic refills. Shop our selection today, offered in a variety of nicotine concentration levels.

Do you have any other tips for relinquishing tobacco for good? Drop them in the comments section below to share with our readers. 

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