What is tobacco doing to your body?

risks of smoking tobacco
risks of smoking tobacco

Although most people are aware that smoking is hazardous to their health, many don’t exactly know what the tobacco they inhale is actually doing to their body. Bottom line, as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, there is no safe way to smoke the drug in the first place. At the same time the effects of tobacco use can vary from person-to-person, taking into consideration their size, weight and any other given health conditions. Yet still, so many smokers take the risk.

What are some of the immediate side effects of tobacco use?

The risks of smoking tobacco are usually determined by how much of the substance you have ingested.

Low to moderate doses may have you experiencing some of the following immediate side effects increased stimulation, higher blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, coughing and decreased flow of blood to your fingers or toes. Whereas higher doses of tobacco use may cause confusion, seizures, a more rapid increase in blood pressure and heart rate, respiratory arrest or faintness.

Other ways your tobacco use affects you and others

Unfortunately, in most cases the risks of smoking tobacco are not only your own. Often passive smoking, or second-hand smoke, harms those around you. Babies, young children and non-smokers may get irritations to their eyes, nose and even be at risks for heart disease and lung cancer from second-hand inhalation.

The risks of smoking tobacco are also incredibly high for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as this substance is known to affect the growth and development of an unborn or infant child increasing the chances of going into labor early.

Freeing yourself from tobacco dependency

People who have been smoking for long periods of time tend to develop an addiction to the nicotine, making them crave smoking tobacco to fulfill their habit. Yet, nicotine addiction is known to be a combination of psychological and physical dependencies. Some people crave the feeling of holding a cigarette, while others crave the feeling of functioning with nicotine in their system. Whatever your urge is, e-cigarettes have the ability to help release you from this tobacco dependency.

An e-cig does not contain any tobacco and it does allow you to choose the amount of nicotine you want to inhale. Brands such as Logic Pro allow vapers to take control of their addiction with a range of nicotine levels to choose from. Over time you may even reduce your nicotine level and switch to zero nicotine e-cigs. Are you ready to become tobacco free?  

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