Urine samples reveal more carcinogenic chemicals found in smokers

man smoking combustible cigarette

In 2020, it’s common knowledge that traditional cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic to humans. However, there are still people arguing that the content of e-cig products are less known. To this effect, the following study was aimed at determining the amount of chemical exposure that’s associated with non-smokers, smokers, and vapers by testing participants’ urine. 

The study

The following analysis compares the chemical effects of smoking up against vaping through the use of urine sampling. Published by Elsevier, a Netherlands-based information company that specializes in scientific, technical, and medical content, the study examines in contrast how many chemicals are passing into the human body from combustible cigarettes versus e-cigs by profiling the urinary mercapturic acids as biomarkers of toxic compounds. 

What was the result?

Throughout the study entitled, “Urinary biomonitoring of subjects with different smoking habits – Part I: Profiling mercapturic acids” Italian researchers analyzed urine samples of sixty-seven healthy adults with different “smoking” behaviors: 38 were non-smokers, 22 smoked traditional cigarettes, and seven were vapers. 

Comparable to data that has been collected in previous studies, their compiled data confirms that combustible cigarettes are a major source of carcinogenic chemicals — benzene and 1,3-butadiene. In comparison, e-cigs were found to be a minor source and mostly associated with exposure to chemicals that possess far less carcinogenic potential, such as acrylonitrile and acrolein. 

What does this mean?

For those who buy e-cigs online as a method to reduce or completely eliminate their dependence on combustible cigarettes, you’re also greatly lowering your exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. And the current FDA review process of all Logic products means you can have much greater confidence in the safety of your vape products, than previously when there was no monitoring in the industry.  Also, when you buy e-cigs online, you’re gaining access to a more widespread selection of nicotine concentration levels and devices that mimic the feel, smell, and taste of traditional cigarettes. This gives you the option to cut out tobacco and lower your nicotine strength over time.  

Did you know that urine sampling was popular for profiling this type of data? Drop a comment below to discuss with other readers.  

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