While most smokers are aware of the long list of risks and smoking-related health concerns, many don’t take the time to think about how their habitual routine affects those around them. Children, pets, co-workers and strangers passing by on the street are all subjected to the smoke that’s exhaled by a smoker. Although secondhand smoke isn’t considered to be as dangerous as inhaling directly from a combustible cigarette, it does contain a mixture of dangerous tobacco byproducts — volatile gasses, carcinogenic particles and carbon monoxide to name a few. So, how is the well-being of the people and animals in your life affected by your choice to light up?
How does secondhand smoke affect non-smokers?
When a non-smoker is exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis, their bodies, like the person smoking, has the potential to absorb nicotine and other harmful substances. With the average cigarette containing more than 4000 chemical compounds, of which 250 are toxic to the body, the smoke lingering behind in the air is just as harmful to breathe as the smoke inhaled directly from the combustible cigarette.
In fact, did you know that:
- After 5 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure your aorta — the main artery pumping blood throughout your body— begins to stiffen.
- After 20 to 30 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure, your blood begins to clot, which puts you at a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
- Lung cancer and lung disease (including emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis) are 20% to 30% more likely to develop in non-smokers who’re exposed regularly to secondhand smoke.
- There is an increased risk of heart disease.
- Chronic eye and nasal irritations are more common, including respiratory infections.
What can you do as a smoker to help those around you?
The following list might be helpful if you’re hoping to reduce the exposure of secondhand smoke around you:
- Smoke outside and try wearing the same piece of outerwear each time you do in order to avoid the clinginess of smoke to your clothing.
- Don’t smoke right outside any doorways or windows.
- Don’t keep your ashtrays in the common areas of your home and workplace.
- Ensure that any of your visitors follow the same rules and are mindful of your children and pets.
- If you’re on holidays, request a non-smoking room and ensure that all your smoke breaks are done outside.
- Make a change and try vaping instead. A Logic vape pen is a great combustible cigarette replacement, providing ex-smokers a choice of delicious flavors and nicotine strengths. They are also smoke-free and free of odor.
Since vaping is the most fulfilling way to tackle your problem with secondhand smoke, which Logic vape pen will you be testing out? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.
Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle