While most smokers understand that their addiction to combustible cigarettes is what will make it difficult for them to quit, what they might not realize is that addiction is a three-link chain that includes physical, mental, and social aspects. So, if you want to set yourself up for a better chance at staying smoke-free, you’ll want to tackle your addiction from every angle!
How are smokers physically addicted to combustibles?
An essential component of traditional cigarettes is nicotine, which is known for how highly addictive it is once inhaled and absorbed by the brain. While it releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes the mind and body feel calm and relaxed, this tranquil moment quickly disappears, leaving the body craving the feeling and constantly wanting more. This is the physical part of a smoker’s chain of addiction.
How can you win your warfare against your physical addiction to smoking, you ask? Well, for starters you can begin the process and lower your nicotine dependency by purchasing a Logic vape pen and selecting a concentration level that meets your needs. That way you aren’t forced to battle withdrawal symptoms, you can slowly lower your strength over time, and you can select a final quit date that works for you.
How are smokers mentally addicted to combustibles?
A mental or behavioral addiction should never be underestimated, as it can often hold just as much importance to the person struggling with the dependency. Since combustible cigarettes can become so ingrained in your daily routine, you’ll find that specific times of day, such as before bed, or certain activities, such as driving, are triggers that automatically inhibit you to want to light up. It’s because these actions have become a crutch for your smoking addiction and therefore, a natural behavior. Also, many smokers are used to handling tiredness and stressful situations by relying on combustible cigarettes as their companion. This is the mental part of a smoker’s chain of addiction.
Thus, when someone decides to quit smoking for good, they’re forced to relearn and adjust their behaviors to overcome the hurdles of mental dependency. This could include hanging out with different people, avoiding coffee and alcohol or even using a Logic vape pen, whenever they feel a routine urge for the taste, touch, and smell of combustible cigarettes.
How are smokers socially addicted to combustibles?
Since this part of your addiction is often overlooked, it’s important for you to understand the significance that it can play in overcoming your chain of addiction. Since smoking has allowed you to form social groups around your habit, you’ve likely got many friends that may even smoke themselves. Smoking has also worked as your social icebreaker, inhibiting you to spark up a conversation and make connections while doing recreational activities in spaces that have allowed you to enjoy your favorite past-time. This is the social part of a smoker’s chain of addiction.
While you’ve ignored the fact that your social life has been built upon your addiction, if you want to head in a smoke-free direction, you’ve got to alter these social groups and re-evaluate how you spend your time. Instead of taking a smoke break, go for a walk and rather than going out with a large group of friends that smoke, maybe try spending more time with people who will support your decision to not smoke.
How have you worked to overcome your physical, mental or social addiction to smoking? Drop a comment below to share your pointers with other readers.