Electronic cigarettes are seeing immense support from the University of Dundee, as their research continues to back up vaping as a way to improve the blood vessel function of ex-smokers. Devices, like the popular variety available from Logic e-cigs, are a great tool for users who’re looking to cultivate a similar experience and also transition away from the harmful effects of combustible tobacco use. Continue reading to find out more about this inventive study.
The study
Authors of the study, which was published in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, determine through research that it only takes one-month for ex-smokers to see a significant improvement to blood vessel function, which indicates that vaping is a positive step forward for current smokers looking to improve their health and reducing their risk of heart attacks and strokes.
What was the result?
The study looked at data collected from 114 adult subjects who had no current signs of cardiovascular disease. The participants were split into three survey groups, all of whom had smoked at least 15 cigarettes per day for a minimum of two years. One group contained 40 people who were not willing to quit their combustible cigarette smoking, while the other two groups were made up of 37 people who were interested in using devices, like Logic e-cigs, to transition away from their past smoking habits. One of these two groups were given e-cigarettes that contain nicotine and the other had devices with zero nicotine concentration.
Researchers then measured the blood vessel function of the participants after one month by comparing the artery diameter before a tight cuff was applied to an arm, with the artery diameter just after the cuff was released. The percentage change is larger within healthier vessels, and the group of tobacco smokers showed little difference to their blood vessel functioning. On the other hand, both vaping groups had more than a 20% improvement. The most compelling part of the study was that the nicotine and non-nicotine subjects possessed a blood vessel function that was on par with non-smokers.
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