Knowledge and access to a variety of smoking cessation methods play a huge role in reducing preventable deaths from smoking combustible cigarettes. However, important factors that affect one’s success in quitting smoking are motivation and the ability to cope with possible situations that may cause a relapse—stress, peer pressure, etc. Since smoking is a recognized public health issue, this study delves deep into motivations to quit, reasons for relapse, the modes of quitting that are available, and how everything works together to help ex-smokers with their transition.
The study
Entitled, “Motivations toward smoking cessation, reasons for relapse, and modes of quitting: results from a qualitative study among former and current smokers” the study aimed to investigate both former and current smokers’ motivations for seeking out smoking cessation methods, the reasons that led to a relapse (if any), and the modes they used/were using to quit combustible cigarettes.
Four focus groups consisting of 24 participants (12 current and 12 former smokers) and 11 semi-structured interviews (five current and six former smokers) were arranged to create data based on understanding and categorizing their opinions on motivations and the course and process of smoking cessation. The data was then analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods—who, what, when, where, why, and how.
What were the results?
After careful analysis of the results, three main themes surfaced: 1. smoking ban at work, 2. the high cost of combustible cigarettes, and 3. pregnancy and breastfeeding were identified as motivations to quit. On the other hand, stress, the need to experience the pleasure connected with smoking, and a known smoking environment were reasons that many smokers relapsed on their quit smoking journey. The modes of smoking cessation varied among the users with many reporting they relied on nicotine gum, patches, e-cigs, and a combination of all three to keep them smoke-free.
What were your motivations to quit smoking and what tools helped you succeed in moving towards a smoke-free life? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.