New data collected by researchers at the University of Minnesota Medical School demonstrated a clear connection between nicotine withdrawal and poor eating habits. Continue reading to learn more about how the study was conducted, how it was controlled, and how the results were concluded.
The study
A group of smoking and non-smoking participants ranging in age from 19 to 75 participated in a study that examined whether or not acute nicotine withdrawal would increase a person’s intake of junk food and how stress-relieving receptors of the opioid system would be involved in the process. All subjects were asked to stop using nicotine for 24 hours and either received a placebo or 50 mg of naltrexone, a drug that’s commonly used to treat patients with substance addiction problems. They were then offered a selection of salty, sweet, and fattening snacks.
Led by Dr. Mustafa al’Absi, a licensed psychologist and professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health at the University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus, the findings were published in the Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
“Mitigating these challenges during the treatment process will help patients quit smoking while understanding their eating habits and encourage healthier decisions,” he said.
What were the results?
Participants who were experiencing nicotine withdrawals and were taking the placebo consumed more calories than those who had been supplemented with naltrexone. The study concluded that quitting smoking is a leading cause of weight gain and poor diet for ex-smokers.
Dr. al’Absi suggests that the results are due to the opioid system, where the brain functions for addiction and appetite regulation exist. When a person who’s addicted to nicotine goes into withdrawal, they prefer fatty, sugary foods to fill the void.
Have you considered vaping to quit smoking?
Since a diet with high-calorie foods can lead to weight gain and other health concerns, many ex-smokers consider vaping to quit smoking. E-cigs offer the ability to appease both physical and mental dependencies with the option to select a starting nicotine concentration level that can be lowered over time. Vaping to quit smoking combats nicotine withdrawal, giving the user a less stressful transition away from smoking.
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