Since e-cigs were created to be used as smoking cessation aids, it only makes sense that these devices mimic the tastes and feel of combustible cigarettes. However, these stop-smoking tools also differ in a wide variety of ways—they require maintenance, you can choose your nicotine concentration levels, and you can buy vapes online. So, whether you’re a beginner who knows nothing about how to vape or you just want a quick refresher, here is your guide to the dos and don’ts to better improve your overall vaping experience.
What are the dos of vaping?
Aside from keeping you smoke-free, your e-cig should:
- Be kept clean: Your device’s mouthpiece and connecting areas can build up residue over time, which can affect the quality and flavor of your e-liquids. Generally, you want to clean your device as often as you can. All you need is water and a paper towel.
- Use proper storage: Despite your e-liquid’s relatively long shelf life, you should still do your best to maintain its flavor. Store extra disposable devices and cartomizer/capsule replacements in a cool, dry environment, away from direct sunlight.
- Gradually reduce nicotine strength: While it’s okay to use a high-level nicotine e-liquid to quit smoking at first, the goal should be to gradually decrease your intake over time. Be sure to satisfy your vaping experience and switch to a lower concentration amount in a time frame that works for you.
- Experiment between devices: When you buy vapes online you gain access to the most versatile products on the market. Be sure to try a mix of devices and flavors before you select the one that suits you best. Since Logic is one of the best brands on the market, we recommend you start with a device from one of their many lineups.
What are the don’ts of vaping?
Now that you’ve learned some vaping considerations, here are a few suggestions:
- Keep it to yourself: Whether you are visiting friends or outside an establishment, always consider who your audience is when you vape. Even if your device possesses low nicotine concentration, passersby don’t want to be clouded up by vapor, so it’s important to be considerate.
- Don’t overcharge your device: Leaving your device to the point where it overcharges is damaging to the battery. The best thing you can do is charge it more often so that you can avoid leaving it unattended overnight.
- Don’t forget to drink water: Similar to smoking combustible cigarettes, the more you vape, the more you might experience dry mouth. It is easy and good for you to keep hydrated throughout the day, so why not stay on top of it? There are several apps available that can remind you to drink water throughout the day.
- Don’t go back to smoking combustible cigarettes: Every ex-smoker’s goal is to remain smoke-free and the best thing you can do is keep it that way. Since it’s counterproductive to swap back and forth between vaping and smoking, consider upping your nicotine strength or trying a different device if the transition is challenging.
Whether your supply is short or you simply don’t know where to buy vapes online, we’ve got you covered here at iloveecigs.com!
How did you get started on your vaping journey? Drop a comment below and let us know.