Recent e-cig research conducted from a group formed by British American Tobacco (BAT) — one of the world’s largest tobacco companies and also the maker of the Vuse e-cigarette — strongly suggests that deaths and severe health outcomes can be avoided when smokers switch to vaping products. Here is an explanation of that study.
The study
The study consisted of the examination of over 300 peer-reviewed articles that outlined the safety and efficacy of e-cigarettes. A common theme found in many articles was the misperception that e-cigs were as or more dangerous than combustible cigarettes, with most of the respondents residing in the US or UK. While the prevalence of the dangers of combustible cigarettes have increased in recent years, only 1 in 3 adults feels that vaping is safer. Needless to say, BAT researchers want to get the word out to ensure the public considers e-cigs before the worst health outcomes are unveiled.
What were the results?
Population modeling within the U.S. and UK predicts that more lives will be saved the further the information spreads and over time, many of the adverse effects and health outcomes can be avoided with more e-cig research. BAT wants vaping products to overcome combustible cigarettes used to continue to combat significant health risks that are associated with continued smoking.
The study also noted that e-cig manufacturers should continue to work with government regulators to ensure that their vaping products remain safe and are made to the highest standards. While some robust safety standards only exist to regulate labeling and taxation, most call for an international manufacturing standard to ensure that faulty and unsafe products never make it into the hands of consumers.
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