The increasing popularity of disposable vape pens has rapidly entered the market for their sleekness, compactness, ease of usage, and convenience. No more setting up your gear and customizing the vaporizer, as you can just buy them from the nearest general store and dispose of them after use.
The point of disposable vapes is to simply dispose of the pen after using the existing liquid or after draining up the battery. Generally speaking, disposable vapes should only last three to five days, depending on how frequently you use them. In this blog, we’ll discuss one of the most commonly asked questions for vapers if it’s possible to refill a disposable vape pen instead of buying another to save some money.
First things first
Before proceeding with the method, do your research to see if it’s possible to remove the cartridge of the disposable vape pen you are using. Most cartridges have some way of refilling them. However, some disposable vape models aren’t possible to refill. You’ll need a few tools before proceeding with this method, and it should be easy once you get the hang of it. The process will require you to have a syringe, eyedropper, and new e-liquid to fill your empty cartridge.
Refilling a Disposable Vape Pen
For most disposable vape pens, this should do the trick and let you easily refill your disposable vape pen so you can use them longer. Here’s a step-by-step process that you can follow.
- Open Your Disposable Vape
It’s relatively easy to open most disposable vapes. Simply unscrew the e-cigarette mouthpiece counterclockwise to loosen the lid. After twisting the cover a few times, it should open your disposable vape pen and twist open the mouthpiece. If it’s impossible to remove the cover of your disposable vape pen, you can’t also refill them with a new liquid since you’ll have to expose the cartridge if you want to proceed with doing this method.
- Refill the Cartridge Using a Syringe
Once you’ve exposed the inside of your disposable vape pen, you should be able to see the empty cartridge. Most cartridges have small openings, and the safest way to refill them without spilling over them is to use a syringe. Fill your syringe with oil or juice, then use it to refill your empty cartridge. You can also use an eyedropper, but a syringe should be ideal for preventing any spills or leakage. While doing this, keep the cartridge attached to the battery to avoid damage.
- Screw the Lid Back in Place
After successfully refilling your cartridge using a syringe or eye-dropper, gently screw the mouthpiece back and ensure it’s firm to avoid leakage.
Final Thoughts.
That’s it! If you successfully followed these three simple steps, you may now enjoy your refilled disposable vape and save a ton from costs! Since we’re talking about Disposable E-Cigarettes, make sure to check out Logic Disposables here at I Love Ecigs today!
Frequently Asked Questions about Refilling a Disposable Pen
Your location and the regulations governing vape products are the primary factors determining if a refillable vape is legal. In many places, refilling disposable vape pens is not explicitly prohibited by law, but it may not be supported by manufacturers due to safety concerns. This is because when you refill a disposable, the original design may not intend to have this done, which can cause leakage and overheating. Additionally, modifying your vaping devices may void the warranty.
Before you refill a disposable e-cig, research local regulations and consider your safety. It may be more practical to use a refillable vape instead, as it’s designed to be opened and not pre filled.
A disposable vape pen is typically designed for single-use. Attempting to refill a disposable vape pen can damage the device, leading to a potential malfunction. Do not open a disposable, rather, by yourself a reusable unit with a vape cartridge refill instead. These devices are designed for repeated use and are more sustainable. You can save money by refilling vape pens rather than purchasing a disposable option.
When you choose to reuse a disposable vape rather than opt for a reusable unit, there are risks involved. Put simply, these vaping devices could malfunction—leakage, overheating, and damage to internal components. Not only could refilling a disposable vape pen render it useless but there are safety concerns such as battery malfunction, short circuits, or in extreme cases, a small explosion. Also, a DIY vape pen refill can reduce the performance of your disposable vape pen.
Vape juice for disposable pens isn’t any different than what you would use for your reusable e-cigs. However, since disposables aren’t meant to be tinkered with, the viscosity of the e-liquid may not be compatible with the device. Aside from risks like leakage, clogging and reduced performance are also known outcomes. It’s essential that you check the compatibility of your device and follow vape pen refill instructions if you choose to do so.
If you follow step by step vape refill instructions, you shouldn’t have any issues with leaking. However, in the case where you choose to perform an e-liquid refill for a disposable vape, please follow these simple steps:
> Check the seal to ensure that connections are properly tightened.
> Clean your vape pens. Open the mouthpiece and be sure to remove any residue.
> If you refill your disposable vape pen, make sure you’re not overfilling it. There should be a max fill level and if you follow these recommendations, there should be no leaks.
> Use compatible e-liquid. As mentioned, some vape cartridge refills aren’t meant for certain devices and it’s important that you ensure compatibility to prevent leaks.
> Contact customer support if you require troubleshooting for vape pen refill issues. They may have refilling techniques for vape pens that you have not considered.
While pre filled cartridges usually hold the best flavor, there are other things to consider like the way you store your vape juice (cold, dry environment), how clean your vape pens are kept, and the quality of your device. Just like the number of puffs you get is directly related to how you care for your device, so is ensuring the best flavor. When refilling, keep your vape juice away from light, heat, and air, as this degrades the flavor. So, be sure to not leave it out for long before you start the refill process.
To refill a disposable vape pen, it’s essential to use vape juice that is compatible with the device. Not only does this provide a satisfying vaping experience but it prevents issues from occurring in the process. This means that you should also use the brand-specific e-liquid refill for your disposable vape. If your device is safe to refill, there should be vape pen refill instructions on the packaging.
The short answer is yes. The battery life of your device can be directly affected when it’s improperly used. While you may save money by refilling your vape pens, when you open a disposable that was meant to be single-use, it can cause potential damage to the internal components. Please don’t reuse disposable vapes.
Eco-friendly vaping tips encourage reusing devices when possible. However, there are no simple steps for refilling a unit that isn’t designed to be refilled. If you want to lower your e-cig waste, we recommend that you use a refillable device or lower your nicotine intake and vape your disposable unit less often. Both of these suggestions are better eco-friendly vaping tips than recommending something that puts you at risk.
A DIY vape pen refill is certainly cheaper than purchasing new disposable units. However, this is only recommended if the device you’re “refilling” is reusable and offers replaceable cartridges. There are different types of vape pen refills, so be sure to look at what units they are compatible with before purchasing.
If you have completed a step-by-step vape refill and your disposable vape pen is experiencing problems, then it’s a sure sign that it needs to be replaced. Aside from recommending that you don’t refill disposable units, issues like leakage, decreased number of puffs, battery issues, and visible damage are all reasons to toss out your current unit and replace it with something new. Since most disposable pens hold a pre-charged battery with no option to recharge it, soon your vape pen will also fail to hold a charge, so even if you open the mouthpiece to clean or begin troubleshooting vape pen refill issues, the lifespan of your device is over.