Combustible cigarettes have had a devastating impact on public health, leading to tobacco-associated cancers, emphysema, and heart disease, which is responsible for almost half a million deaths in the U.S. per year. E-cigarettes have managed to diminish some of the harmful effects of smoking, but in recent years, have received pushback from the government for further regulation. So, here are the most recent developments in how e-cigs manufacturers and retailers are working with the Federal Drug and Food Administration (FDA) to gain approval as smoking cessation aids.
Meeting the requirements for ENDS manufacturers
Since late 2016, the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) gained regulatory authority over all Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), including e-cigarettes, vapes, e-liquids, e-cigars, e-pipes, and e-hookahs, which meant that this government agency would handle all of the managerial and legal requirements that would be set in place for the manufacturers of e-cigarette products, such as the Logic vape pen.
Where it stands, all makers on the market need to meet the following criteria:
- Register their brand and submit a list of all products, including labeling and advertisements.
- Submit tobacco health documentation.
- Submit full ingredient listings of all e-liquid products.
- Include the required warning statement on all packaging and advertisements for ENDS and e-liquids stating, “WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.”
Logic is one of the five shortlisted brands that have been allowed to continue sales throughout the U.S. due to their compliance with the above guidelines.
Successfully utilizing premarket review requirements
Premarketing authorization requirements took effect on August 8, 2016, requiring manufacturers to gain authorization by the FDA before their products would continue to be sold on the market. Ultimately, this FDA revision will take up to a one-year period (from May 12, 2020), where vapers will be able to buy Logic vape pens and other e-cigs and e-liquids online while the manufacturers are complying with ongoing regulations to be deemed as safe, smoking cession aids. So, by 2021, Logic will receive its official authorization as a stop-smoking treatment and will continue to provide ex-smokers with both tobacco and menthol e-cig options.
Restricting access youth have to ENDS
While it’s easy to buy Logic vape pens online and in-person from an accredited retailer if you’re over the age of 21, I Love Ecigs is working hard to ensure that stop-smoking aids remain in the hands of the ex-smokers who need them. We check that all purchasers are allowed to buy e-cigarettes in accordance with the regulations under the Tobacco Control Act and enforce, through marketing, that our products contain nicotine and should only be used by adults to transition away from combustible cigarette smoking.
Conducting manufacturer and retailer checks
As an accredited retailer and licensed e-cig vendor we carry a Tobacco Wholesale license and online sales license, which allows us to continue to distribute Logic Disposable Electronic Cigarettes, Logic Power Series, Logic Advanced Pro Vapor Systems, and their cartomizer and capsule refills, to customers across the U.S. So, as long as you vape Logic and enjoy our amazing customer service, you will be able to grab hold of your favorite products for years to come.
Do you have any other questions about the Logic brand or FDA regulations? Drop a comment below and we will do our best to answer your questions and concerns.
In reply to Nikkie.
Thank you for letting us know, Nikkie. That really is a shame. We’re working on figuring out how we can get products to states with higher restrictions.
– The I Love Ecigs Team
Circle K here in Colorado took Logic off of the shelves and I can no longer purchase them online and your store locator still says Circle K is a retailer where I can purchase them, but that’s not correct. No convenience store here in Colorado sells them.
Why so easy to buy cigars.might start.
In reply to Karen Breaux.
Hi Karen,
Logic products are actually made in Japan.
– The I Love Ecigs Team
But yeah, products are made in China!!