How smoking affects the heart and blood vessels

heart and blood vessels

Smoking combustible cigarettes is a dangerous habit that poses severe risks to both smokers and those who’re exposed to secondhand smoke. While the adverse effects of smoking on the lungs are well-known, its impact on the cardiovascular system is equally significant. In this blog, we will explore how smoking affects heart health, shedding light on the detrimental consequences of this harmful habit. 

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Smoking is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including conditions like coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes. The toxic chemicals present in combustible cigarette smoke damage the inner lining of the blood vessels, leading to the formation of fatty deposits (plaque). This accumulation narrows the arteries, restricts blood flow, and raises blood pressure. Additionally, smoking promotes the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of blockages that can cause heart attacks or strokes. Long-term smoking significantly heightens the chances of developing CVD, posing a grave threat to heart health. 

Reduced oxygen supply

The toxic components of combustible cigarette smoke, such as carbon monoxide, diminish the ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen effectively. This results in reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscles and other vital organs. Additionally, this makes the heart work harder to compensate for this oxygen deficit, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Over time, this strain weakens the heart, impairs its function, and contributes to the development of heart disease. 

Accelerated atherosclerosis

Smoking accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the build-up of plaque in the arteries. The harmful chemicals in combustible cigarette smoke promote inflammation and oxidative stress, which contributes to the formation of plaque and the narrowing of blood vessels. This impedes blood flow, increases the risk of blood clots, and heightens the likelihood of heart attacks or strokes. Quitting smoking can significantly slow down the progression of atherosclerosis and improve overall cardiovascular health. 

The detrimental effects of smoking on heart health and blood vessels are undeniable. Quitting smoking is the best course of action to safeguard heart health and reduce the risk of developing any of the associated effects listed above and using ecigs is the best way to quit smoking!

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