While smoking combustible cigarettes has been linked to the development of several types of cancer, heart disease, and routine infections, it has also been known to disrupt another element of your ongoing health, your sleep. If you smoke heavily, you’re wreaking havoc on your body’s natural sleep routine, causing irregular sleeping patterns, ongoing sleep interruption, and even the development of sleep apnea. So, find out how you can start making a change in 2020 by controlling your nicotine intake with Logic e-cigs.
Nicotine works as a sleep inhibitor
One of the reasons that so many combustible cigarette smokers have trouble sleeping is because nicotine is a potent stimulant, which when inhaled activates your sympathetic nervous system, causing rapid breathing, an increased heart rate, and higher blood pressure. While a combination of these factors can make it harder for a smoker to sleep, a frequent, high dose, nicotine intake can also make people more susceptible to develop insomnia. So, it’s rather ironic that so many people smoke to relax before bed when they’re actually telling their minds and bodies to do the opposite. Also, many smokers are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms as they sleep, waking them up to have another cigarette, and thus interrupting any chance they have to achieve a decent slumber.
Smoking changes your natural circadian rhythm
Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center came to a conclusion in their 2013 study that smoking tobacco alters one’s ability to achieve a night of restful sleep. After exposing a group of lab mice, both chronically and acutely to cigarette smoke, they noticed a substantial disruption to their natural circadian clocks, which is the internal process that regulates a living being’s sleep-wake cycle. They found that the more exposed they were to tobacco, the more disruption the mice faced, and it even moved beyond sleeping to including the development of depression, anxiety, and various mood disorders.
Smoking increases your risk of developing sleep apnea
People who smoke are 2.5 times more likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition caused by the collapse of muscles in the back of the throat during sleep. While smokers already experience cessation breathing more often than those who don’t, the smoke itself irritates tissues in the nose and throat, which causes swelling and airflow restriction.
Get yourself a Logic e-cig to help achieve a better night’s sleep
Vaping, using a dependable Logic e-cig Starter Kit, is a great way to make a positive lifestyle change that can help you to start obtaining better sleep. While e-cigs still contain nicotine, their concentration levels are determined by the vaper, allowing them to actively lower the percentage as needed. Also, vapor doesn’t dry out your throat as quickly and easily as the smoke from a combustible cigarette, so although you’ll get an enjoyable throat hit upon inhalation, you won’t experience any lingering throat irritation.
Are there any other ways that you’ve used your Logic e-cig to benefit your sleeping routine? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.