Do you feel like no matter how hard you try it can feel impossible to find ways to save money? While you mean well and likely do your best to spend less, life can get in the way and something can always come up. That’s why it’s important to find concrete ways to implement money savings and shopping with I Love Ecigs to buy e-cigs online is one of them! Listed below are some easy ways to save.
Use the monthly discount code
While we guarantee 5% off automatically to all customers who place an order with us to buy e-cigs online, our monthly discount code can be applied every time you order. This means that aside from incredibly low prices to start, along with our impeccable customer service, you can also save an additional 1% on every item using the discount code from our monthly banner. This month the code is MAR2022, next month, who knows?
Become a member
There are two types of memberships when shopping on iloveecigs.com—regular membership, which allows you to easily track your order, and VIP membership, which costs $20.00 upfront but offers a huge amount of ongoing discounts for those who regularly buy e-cigs online.
These discounts include:
- 4% membership discount on all purchases
- 6% membership discount on recurring orders
- 2% cashback in store credit with eerie purchase, stored indefinitely in your account with us
- Flash sale notifications to your inbox (anyone can subscribe!)
- $5 in credit for every successful referral
Buy e-cigs online in bulk
Our easy order system allows you to purchase your favorite items in bulk by placing a quick order. How it works is you select the item(s), the quantity, and the frequency that you want them delivered and once your first order is placed, future orders will automatically be set out based on your selection. This ensures that you never have to go without your much-needed e-cig product while also reaping the best savings we offer for those who purchase in bulk. It’s easy, care-free, and you’ll have more time and money for other things in your life that bring you joy.
Are you a fan of savings? Many customers return and shop with us because they save so much, please tell us about your experience in the comments section below.