Whether you spend your summertime visiting family abroad or seek out some sunshine somewhere new around the globe, the warmer months are easily the busiest time of year for traveling. For those who vape, your daily past-time requires some additional planning to ensure where you’re visiting allows public vaping, and/or if you plan to get on a plane to get, research that airline’s policies. Needless to say, this blog will provide you with some general rules in regards to the big question: “Can you bring disposable vapes on an airplane?”
Can you bring disposable vapes on an airplane?
Both Logic disposable and refillable e-cig devices can travel alongside passengers on airplanes within the U.S. and to many other countries. It’s up to the user whether they want to place them safely inside carry-on luggage or on-person in their pockets, however, since these devices are electronic and often powered by lithium batteries, they’re not permitted within checked luggage. The same rules apply to your backup cartomizers, capsules, and extra disposable units.
While we’re specifically referencing the U.S. Transportation Security Administration Regulations, there are many places around the world that follow the same rules in regards to, “can you bring disposable vapes on an airplane?” That said, since there may be minor variations in how TSA vape rules are applied to various airlines even in the U.S., it’s always best to check the airline rules before booking your trip and packing to fly. Also, if you’re traveling to someone new, be sure to check local vaping laws before departure. There are some places that have outright vape bans, so even if the airline allows it, the country may not (this includes stopovers that require you to go through customs to change flights.
The TSA requires passengers to pack all e-liquids in a single 1-quart bag through the security checkpoint. The device must also accompany the passenger and be placed in the bucket alongside other electronic devices through the security screening. TSA screeners may also ask you to turn on your device, so make sure that your unit is charged well in advance.
How to pack your vaping gear for a flight
For experienced vapers, air travel is pretty straightforward. But if this is your first time bringing your e-cig on a plane, there are some basic rules and procedures that need to be followed:
- Always pack your device, batteries, and e-liquids in your carry-on luggage, as there are concerns over fires in the cargo hold when electronic devices are left inaccessible.
- If you take extra batteries along for your rechargeable unit, keep them in a safe plastic battery case to avoid overheating.
- Don’t forget to include your charger when packing and be sure that you have a conversion adapter if you’re visiting a country that has a different type of plug.
- If your trip is short, consider taking disposable vapes so you have less gear to carry and account for.
- Cabin pressure can cause full bottles to expand, splitting the seams and causing leaks. Try to pack partially used bottles that have some unused space at the top to avoid this from happening.
- European Union countries have a 20 mg/ml nicotine limit, so if you use a higher concentration level, be sure that you’re well equipped for the length of your trip.
We hope you have a great trip and that this blog assists you to travel with ease!
Do you live outside the continental U.S. We’re curious, can you bring disposable vapes on an airplane where you live? Drop a comment below to share your experience with our readers.