4 things people get wrong about vaping

Despite increasing popularity globally, people are still concerned about the potential dangers of vaping, and are asking, “Are e-cigarettes safe?” And with the FDA’s recent ruling in favor of more strict regulation of e-cigs, there’s no doubt this concern has grown. We’ve compiled a list of the things people get wrong about vaping to help get to the truth of the matter.  

‘Vaporizers contain a lot of nicotine’

Nicotine actually diminishes the flavors of vapor in many cases, which is why a lot of e-cigs contain little or no vapor at all. It is common for former smokers to start off using vaporizers with high nicotine levels to gradually reduce their intake, but after a while, an e-cig user will realize that the lower the nicotine content, the better your e-cig will taste. All of our Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System contain 2.4% nicotine or less.

‘Vaping does not help smokers to quit’

According to a recent study, Most participants (72%) were former smokers, and 76% were using e-cigarettes daily. – hard evidence that vaping is a great way to help break the habit of smoking. Among former smokers who were vaping daily at baseline, 6% had relapsed to smoking after one month and also 6% after one year.

‘Lack of research suggests vaping may be more harmful than smoking’

Despite several studies like this proving the positive effects of vaping, there are still those insisting that we don’t know enough about the effects of vaping on health, and questioning whether or not e-cigarettes are safe. They maintain this concern even though regular cigarette smokers are creating and inhaling toxic chemicals – chemicals which are absent when you vape.

‘E-cigs are a gateway for tobacco abuse amongst teenagers’

In another recent study, Dr. Ted Wagener, a researcher from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, studied the impact of e-cig use on 1,300 college students. He found that only a single person who first used nicotine disguised as e-cigarettes later took to tobacco cigarettes, concluding that e-cigarettes should not be used as a scapegoat for tobacco use.

If you want to quit smoking with vaping too, don’t forget to check out our ultimate guide to lower your nicotine levels!

How do you think people are being misinformed about vaping? Tweet us @ILoveEcigs

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