How has vaping given you more independence?

a man vaping with american flag in the background

 Logic vape pen

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July! So, why not expand your gratitude by celebrating something else that can enable you to feel just as independent? Yes, we’re talking about proclaiming your love for e-cigs! While combustible cigarettes have a stronghold on smokers, bending their willpower to the demands of tobacco and nicotine, vapers are more accustomed to their own sovereignty, choosing their flavors and nicotine concentration levels while also enjoying the freedom to have a flexible quitting date. So, if you want to celebrate Independence Day in style this year, perhaps a state-of-the-art Logic vape pen might be the celebratory accessory you’ve been looking for.

With freedom comes more flavors

Both the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System and the Logic Power Series possess so many delicious flavor varieties. While traditional cigarettes can only offer vigorous tobaccos and cool menthols, e-cigarettes have the power to present an endless array of signature extracts that cater to the unique palettes of each vaper. While the Logic vape pen sells cartomizers that mimic the taste of tobacco and menthol, there’s also a signature cherry essence that offers a tasty, sweet alternative. More daring vapers can upgrade to an EonSmoke JUUL compatible device which provides 16 adventuresome flavors like pineapple, mango and silky strawberry.  

Being independent of tobacco means more nicotine choices

The nicotine levels within combustible cigarettes don’t offer much wiggle room to smokers who’re looking to decrease their nicotine intake. That’s why it’s so advantageous to vape. Ex-smokers who’re used to enjoying light cigarettes or those who only have a few combustibles a day could benefit from transitioning to a Logic vape pen with a 1.6% or 1.8% nicotine strength. If their habits require something a little stronger, there are e-cigs with a 2.4% nicotine strength and even convenient disposables that are offered in a 3.5% nicotine concentration level. Heavy ex-smokers should gravitate towards products like EonSmoke JUUL Compatible Pods which are sold in an enticingly high 6% salt nicotine strength.

Your quit date is your choice   

It can be difficult for your body to adjust to a life without combustible cigarettes, which is why very few ex-smokers successfully quit by going cold turkey. So, why not try managing your nicotine withdrawal by using an e-cig? These electronic nicotine systems give vapers the power to have greater freedom, offering them a safer method of nicotine delivery that can be decreased over time. This allows them to select a date in the distant future and slowly wean their nicotine intake to a point where e-cigs may no longer be required. There’s no need to shock your body when you have a Logic vape products or EonSmoke JUUL Compatible pods and devices to help with your tobacco and nicotine cravings.

What percentage of nicotine meets your needs as a vaper? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

What is it like to vape JUUL compatible pods with nicotine salts?

JUUL compatible pods

 JUUL compatible pods

EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods have taken the world by storm with their growing popularity in the e-cig market. These nifty flavor capsules are quickly becoming the top choice of many beginners and seasoned vapers due to their intuitive and comfortable design, modern, versatile technology and the endless options of intriguingly flavorful, budget-friendly pods that are compatible and incredibly comparable to the renowned pods manufactured for JUUL labs. The best part is that rather than vaping solutions that contain freebase nicotine, EonSmoke’s JUUL compatible pods are crafted using nicotine salts which are both advantageous and beneficial to the vaper. Why, do you ask? 

There’s a smoother vaping experience

Nicotine salt-based solutions have the power to offer users a much smoother vaping experience. In fact, this natural nicotine form vaporizes at a higher temperature than traditional nicotine which means that it can be offered in higher concentrations, giving heavy ex-smokers a huge advantage when they’re attempting to switch from combustible cigarettes to e-cigs. Arguably the most efficient way to deliver nicotine throughout your body, nicotine salts are soothing and palatable because they contain the ingredient, Benzoic Acid — an additive that lowers the pH levels within nicotine salts, exhibiting mild, more enjoyable puffs. 

Better flavor 

EonSmoke’s JUUL compatible pods are so widely popular among vapers because they possess bolder, more vibrant flavors — like citrus, cucumber and pink lemonade that closely mimic their names. Since freebase nicotine is more acidic than nicotine salts, juices that contain traditional nicotine are often harsher on the throat as the nicotine concentration level within the substance increases. However, nicotine salt-based solutions have the ability to counteract this sensation enabling ex-smokers to fulfill their nicotine dependency using an e-liquid that satisfies their cravings.  

The perfect option for beginner vapers

The majority of people who’re vaping are ex-smokers with a tobacco or nicotine dependency. Long-time smokers who’re making a transition to vaping need a product that’s easy-to-use and comparable to combustible cigarettes. That’s why the EonSmoke’s JUUL compatible device and EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods are such a great investment for transformative smokers. Moreover, their design is so simplistic! Once a flavor pod has been vaped to empty, it can easily be popped off of the device and replaced by a new one. The best part is that vapers don’t even have to worry about the hassle of filling up e-liquid tanks, because all of the EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods come ready-to-vape in pre-filled capsules that are offered in 16 delicious flavors in an intense 6% nicotine strength. 

What’s your favorite part about vaping nicotine salts? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

Many U.S. youth are living in cigarette-friendly homes

child covering his nose from smoke

EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes

Even with widespread knowledge pertaining to how combustible cigarettes impact the development of youth, along with notable research suggesting various health concerns throughout adulthood, there is still a high percentage of Americans who have built their living conditions around their need for tobacco and nicotine. That being said, since there’s no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, children who live in cigarette-friendly homes are at a greater risk for an assortment of hazardous health problems.

Secondhand health effects in children

Exposure to secondhand smoke can cause the following health problems in children:

  • Ear infections
  • Frequent and severe asthma attacks
  • Multiple respiratory problems (ex. coughing, sneezing and shortness in breath)
  • Respiratory infections (ex. bronchitis and pneumonia)
  • Greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

What do statistics suggest?

While there are and have always been various studies fluctuating the scale, these statistics say it all:

  • About 58 million nonsmokers in the U.S. are exposed to secondhand smoke
  • Children who live in apartments or condos have 45% higher cotinine levels (passive tobacco smoke in their blood, saliva and urine)
  • 2 out of every 5 children (3 to 11 years in age) are exposed to secondhand smoke regularly
  • About 1 in 3 nonsmokers who live in a rental unit are exposed to secondhand smoke

What does this mean?

Although cigarette use in the home and in cars has decreased when compared to prior decades, it’s still a large, nationwide problem, especially when addressing the effects it can have on the health of children. Whether you’re a smoker, a renter, a multi-household dweller or simply someone who invites over guests who smoke, it’s your job to promote child health by decreasing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Here’s how:

  • Quit smoking if you’re not already a nonsmoker
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke in or around your home
  • Do not allow anyone to smoke in or around your car
  • Ensure that your child’s daycare or school is tobacco-free
  • Keep your kids away from smoking areas.
  • Try using an e-cig as a safer option (ex. EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes are prefilled to prevent spillage)

Not only are children at a higher risk when exposed to secondhand smoke, but they’re also more likely to try smoking themselves.

Which EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarette will you be testing out? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.  

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

The dangers of secondhand smoke

hand helping someone to resist on smoking a cigarette

Logic vape pen

While most smokers are aware of the long list of risks and smoking-related health concerns, many don’t take the time to think about how their habitual routine affects those around them. Children, pets, co-workers and strangers passing by on the street are all subjected to the smoke that’s exhaled by a smoker. Although secondhand smoke isn’t considered to be as dangerous as inhaling directly from a combustible cigarette, it does contain a mixture of dangerous tobacco byproducts — volatile gasses, carcinogenic particles and carbon monoxide to name a few. So, how is the well-being of the people and animals in your life affected by your choice to light up?

How does secondhand smoke affect non-smokers?

When a non-smoker is exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis, their bodies, like the person smoking, has the potential to absorb nicotine and other harmful substances. With the average cigarette containing more than 4000 chemical compounds, of which 250 are toxic to the body, the smoke lingering behind in the air is just as harmful to breathe as the smoke inhaled directly from the combustible cigarette.

In fact, did you know that:  

  • After 5 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure your aorta — the main artery pumping blood throughout your body— begins to stiffen.
  • After 20 to 30 minutes of cigarette smoke exposure, your blood begins to clot, which puts you at a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Lung cancer and lung disease (including emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis) are 20% to 30% more likely to develop in non-smokers who’re exposed regularly to secondhand smoke.
  • There is an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Chronic eye and nasal irritations are more common, including respiratory infections.

What can you do as a smoker to help those around you?

The following list might be helpful if you’re hoping to reduce the exposure of secondhand smoke around you:

  • Smoke outside and try wearing the same piece of outerwear each time you do in order to avoid the clinginess of smoke to your clothing.
  • Don’t smoke right outside any doorways or windows.
  • Don’t keep your ashtrays in the common areas of your home and workplace.
  • Ensure that any of your visitors follow the same rules and are mindful of your children and pets.
  • If you’re on holidays, request a non-smoking room and ensure that all your smoke breaks are done outside.
  • Make a change and try vaping instead. A Logic vape pen is a great combustible cigarette replacement, providing ex-smokers a choice of delicious flavors and nicotine strengths. They are also smoke-free and free of odor.

Since vaping is the most fulfilling way to tackle your problem with secondhand smoke, which Logic vape pen will you be testing out? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

Why do vapers love EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods?

beautiful girl blowing off smoke from vaping in dark background

JUUL compatible pods

Smokers who are looking to make a lifestyle change are immediately drawn to EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods because of their high nicotine levels, heavenly flavors and all-around versatility. Whether they’re trying to bypass the risks of tobacco smoking or simply practice shaping their clouds, EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods are one of the most adaptable e-cigarette technologies currently on the market. But, what’s all the hype about?

They’re offered in higher nicotine levels

For vapers who once smoked, it’s important to find a nicotine level that’s equivalent to their old habits. So, naturally, one of the reasons that EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods are so popular is because they’re crafted with higher nicotine levels than the average e-liquid. Offered in a unique, vigorous 6%, the decadent pods have the ability to better mimic the sensation of conventional smoking, offering a richer, more robust flavor and an equally intense throat hit. Also, because of the higher nicotine concentration level, a person is able to vape more sparingly throughout the day while still achieving their desired nicotine intake.

They’re offered in more flavors

While there are many e-cig brands that have developed a wide selection of interesting e-liquid flavors, none can compete with the delectable assortment of EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods; especially since the pods come in every flavor derivative that you can imagine, including exquisite fruit combinations, enticing tobacco and even a toasty caffe latte blend. The best part is that you’re able to easily switch between each JUUL compatible pod by simply pulling off and then clicking on a new flavor to your device. Vaping has never been so easy or so incredibly tasty.

The pods are interchangeable with JUUL lab devices

Our collection of EonSmoke flavor pods is interchangeable with the popular JUUL labs devices. This means that you’re able to put savings back into your wallet by ordering EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods and simply popping them onto your JUUL device or fitting them onto your EonSmoke device. Not only do vapers love the versatile compatibility of the product, but they also like that they are able to keep using their JUUL devices while ordering EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods at a cheaper price on

Which EonSmoke JUUL compatible pod will you be vaping this summer? Drop a comment below to discuss with other readers.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

How do you ensure your e-liquid is safe to vape?

corporate girl in glasses smoking vape

 Logic power refills

Whether you’re a novice vaper who’s still getting the feel of your device or a veteran that’s well-versed with the skills and knowledge, it’s always imperative for you to safely enjoy one of your favorite past-times. That’s why we want to make sure that all of our readers are vaping on the safe side. So, if you need some wholesome pointers or you simply aren’t certain if it’s prudent to use your e-liquid stash, consider the following tips to safeguard your vaping routine.

Check the expiry date of your e-juice

Since most e-liquids are comprised of three main ingredients — PG, VG and nicotine — once bottled, they typically possess a shelf life of roughly one to two years. This means that if your favorite e-cigarette company has a big sale, you’re able to stock up on your beloved choices without having to worry about vaping them right away. Although this is a general recommendation, you can also keep an eye on the color, smell and consistency of the e-liquid in order to ensure that your product is safe for vaping.

Store them in optimal conditions

The rule of thumb for keeping your e-liquid ripe and delicious is to follow the proper storing techniques. This means that you should store your extra Logic power refills in a spot that avoids any direct sun exposure and where you can maintain a safe, room temperature. Many vapers use a shelf in their kitchen cupboard or the drawer in their nightstand to keep the e-cig cartomizers fresh and easily accessible to swap between flavors. Also, make sure that your storage place of choice is a dry environment.

Keep your e-liquids sealed

While high temperatures and light exposure have the tendency to affect the shelf life of your e-juice, air exposure also has the ability to tarnish a perfectly delicious e-liquid. The best way to avoid needing to toss out your stock, or vaping an expired mixture, is to use pre-filled cartomizers, such as Logic power refills. These handy, disposable capsules are packed with decadent aromas and nicotine strengths while offering a high level of safety and convenience. Logic power refills are also sealed air-tight in order to prevent leakage and maintain their high-quality flavor.

Do you know of any other ways to ensure that your e-liquid is safe to vape? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.


Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

Your Father’s Day guide to the best e-cig starter kits

father's day gift with a card

 e-cig starter kit

If you haven’t quite kickstarted your Father’s Day shopping it’s not too late to grab a hold of a gift that’s both practical and innovative. Whether your dad’s currently smoking and looking to sever his ties with tobacco or he’s a beginner vaper that’s looking to enhance his relationship with e-cigs, gifting him a state-of-the-art e-cig starter kit is the perfect way to show him that his health and well-being is top of mind for you. So, if your dad is ready for a life-changing experience, here’s your guide to selecting the right device to amplify his admiration for e-cigs.

Logic Power Tobacco E-Cig Starter Kit

If your dad is the type of man who enjoys the robust intensity of tobacco, then he would love to unwrap one of our Logic Power Tobacco E-Cig Starter Kits. With a rich, spicy scent folding into the flavor palette and an added hint of nuttiness to top it all off, this signature kit comes equipped with the ultimate aromatic experience for those who love tobacco. So, if your old man misses the lively vigor from his smoking days, he will adore the fierce potency of this smooth, fragrant alternative.

Logic Power Menthol E-Cig Starter Kit

Show your pops how intently you listen when you gift wrap a refreshing twist to the more traditional flavor, tobacco. Many ex-smokers and first-time vapers think of tobacco as the pungent smell of their past, so, respect your dad’s choice to disregard the taste of tobacco when you present him with a Logic Power Menthol E-Cig Starter Kit. It’s distinct, chilling vibrancy is so incredibly refreshing, imparting a cooling sensation instantly upon inhalation. So, if he’s a man who’s rather fond of the sharpness of spearmint or peppermint, he will love indulging in a revitalizing, minty substitute.

Logic Platinum Cherry E-Cig Starter Kit

For many vapers, including your father, ridding themselves from the more conventional flavors of combustibles is a great way to help ensure a more successful transition. So, if your old man wishes to bid farewell to tobacco or menthols, then gifting him a Logic Platinum Cherry E-Cig Starter Kit will give him an opportunity to create an entirely new experience. This rich, enticingly sweet, fruity flavor pays homage to the natural aromas of the season. You’re welcome, Dad!

Which e-cig starter kit is the perfect match for your dad? Drop a comment below and let us know his style.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

The advantages of buying EonSmoke, JUUL compatible Pods at

eonsmoke vape pods ad

JUUL compatible pods

Making a name for ourselves by outshining the competition is what ILoveEcigs does best. That’s why there are so many tempting advantages to becoming a life-long customer. So, if you’re an admirer of JUUL, why not try expanding your vaping experience by opening your mind to the power of EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods? After all, there are so many reasons to love them and even more reasons to buy them.  

We’re priced better

Happy customers are the beating heart of our business, which is why we strive to sell our products at the lowest price on the market. In addition to offering shoppers an exclusive monthly discount, ILoveEcigs also gives patrons a 2% membership discount, a 3% discount when they write a product review and a 4% discount on every order if they sign up for recurring orders. So, if you add up the savings, that’s an additional 10% off to returning customers!

We have all the flavors

The EonSmoke lineup has an added assortment of 16 heavenly flavors, all packed into convenient JUUL compatible pods. While there are lush, fruity extracts like grape, blueberry and sour apple there are also some unique, exotic aromas such as pineapple, mango and lush ice. So, if you’re on the hunt for the exhilaration of diverse flavors, the EonSmoke JUUL compatible pod lineup might be the melange of products that you’ve been looking for.

We offer disposable and pre-filled options

Whether you’re the type of vaper who enjoys the convenience of ready-to-go EonSmoke Disposable Electronic Cigarettes or the option to swap between a diverse selection of pre-filled flavors, ILoveEcigs has it all within our lineup of EonSmoke JUUL compatible pods. What a refreshing, convenient way to enjoy vaping on-the-go!

We possess fast, reliable shipping

When it comes to getting your hands on some innovative EonSmoke, JUUL compatible pods, ILoveEcigs is prompt and dependable. Welcome to the carefree days of ordering e-cigs with free U.S. shipping, endless worldwide shipping options and even same-day shipping on orders that are placed during the week by 12 p.m. EST. The best part is that with our recurring order system, you’re able to schedule your orders and space them out with a quantity and frequency that works best for you.

What are you waiting for? Place your first order for some EonSmoke, JUUL compatible pods.

Which flavor are you most excited about trying? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

UK study highlights just how much vapers save annually

savings jar with lots of cash inside

 e-cig starter kit

There are many reasons why people quit smoking combustible cigarettes. Whether it be for the endless list of benefits to their health, a heightened return of smell and taste or simply because they hate the lingering, clinging odor, smokers are rapidly making this lifestyle change. Needless to say, while some people quit cold turkey, there are many who need the assistance of an e-cig starter kit to keep their motivation levels in check. And while these innovative devices possess delicious flavors and an assortment of nicotine strengths, what really entices ex-smokers to become vapers is the fact that it allows them to challenge nicotine withdrawal while putting savings into their wallet. It’s a win, win! So, let’s take a look at the study.

The study

A 2019 study commissioned by the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) found that smokers have the ability to save about £346.32 ($450) annually when they switch to vaping. These savings, among the 3.2 million who vape, equate to an annual nationwide savings of almost £1.1 billion. In the U.S. where 34.3 million people smoke, that national savings figure would be up to 15 billion dollars.  

The poll collected financial information from 1,790 people who were in the process of, or have made the swap from smoking to vaping. It found that not only were more than half of the participants saving money, but three in 10 people were seeing positive transformations to their oral health and respiratory health. While a further 43 percent reported that they felt less stressed than they were when they smoked.

The objective

The poll was part of a greater vaping awareness campaign that was geared at reaching smokers all across the UK. According to Public Health England, “40 percent of smokers have never even tried vaping” and the UKVIA wanted smokers to consider making a switch, as they felt evidence suggested it’s a less harmful smoking alternative.

What was the result?

The poll also highlighted:

  • Over two-thirds of poll participants said they would never go back to smoking
  • Three in 10 people reported having enough money saved up to take a holiday. Many also made a comment about some added savings.
  • Eight in 10 people recommend vaping for those who are trying to quit combustible cigarettes.
  • 23% said that they felt more confident in their social circles after making the switch.
  • On average, those who were polled smoked about 5,216 cigarettes annually.

Other than saving money, what other benefit does your e-cig starter kit provide you with? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.


Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle

A beginners guide to EonSmoke, JUUL compatible pods

Ad for Eonsmoke, JUUL compatible pods

JUUL compatible pods

While our diverse lineup of Logic vape pens and cartomizers will remain our business’ bread and butter, we’re expanding our product selection to include EonSmoke, JUUL Compatible PODS, EonSmoke Disposable electronic cigarettes and the EonSmoke JUUL Compatible Device. After extensive research, we’re offering this new line of JUUL compatible PODS because we see that vapers love it for its powerful and smooth 6% salt nicotine hit. Offering 15 delicious flavors, including Pineapple, Lush Ice, Pink Lemonade and Mango, this revolutionary, smoking alternative is a contemporary way to refashion your vaping into something pleasurably diverse. The power of additional choices is almost as intoxicating as EonSmoke’s incredible flavors. is proud to offer the best prices available online for the EonSmoke, JUUL Compatible Product line. This beginners guide will highlight some historical and developmental details behind EonSmoke and how it’s challenging the most popular vape manufacturer in the country, JUUL Labs.

What is JUUL Labs?

JUUL Labs is the biggest name in electronic cigarettes today. Known for offering a    vaping experience that mimics the sensation of cigarette smoking, for ex-smokers, this popular e-cigarette brand uses cartridges, also called JUUL pods, that are packed with salt nicotine from leaf tobacco to a create a new e-cig that was unlike others in the market. These pods are offered in a diverse selection of mid to lower level nicotine strengths, including 3% and 5%.

How does EonSmoke fit into the mix?

EonSmoke has been developing JUUL compatible pods since 2017, offering a wider selection of flavors at a competitive, budget-friendly cost. In 2018 they improved their signature recipe in order to offer 6% and 6.8% nicotine salts in their pods rather than their original 4%. The change introduced a more intense and real experience for vapers, with an added vibrancy to the flavors and a smoothness in the nicotine quality hit and vaping sensation.

ILoveEcigs is proudly selling EonSmoke JUUL Compatible PODS  with 6% salt nicotine in 16 enticing flavors, the EonSmoke JUUL Compatible Device (in black, silver and gold chrome colors)  and eight flavors of heavenly 6.8%% salt nicotine EonSmoke Disposable electronic cigarettes.  

What is nicotine salt?

Nicotine salt is a relatively new composite in e-juice that forms in leaf tobacco. In this process, all the impurities found in tobacco are stripped away, leaving you with nicotine in its pure form. It’s generally considered to be a more stable form of nicotine because it vaporizes at a much lower temperature. This means that nicotine salts have the ability to offer a smoother vaping experience, allowing you to inhale higher levels of nicotine without feeling a harsh throat hit. Through a high absorption rate, you vape less and use less of your e-juice supply. This means that with the EonSmoke, JUUL Compatible Product line you can actually start putting some extra savings back into your wallet while increasing your vaping enjoyment and satisfaction.

Are you excited to try something new? Which EonSmoke JUUL compatible pod sounds the most tempting to you? Drop a comment below to join the conversation.


Alex Wilks is the Social Media & Content Creator for Trek Marketing. Her work has been featured on Global News, Black Press Media, andthe Kwantlen Chronicle