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Vape Shop Philadelphia

Pennsylvania smoking cessation programs

If you’re looking for free smoking cessation programs in Philadelphia, Allentown, or Wilkes Barre, you’ll enjoy the smoking cessation program available at I Love Ecigs.

Unlike traditional Nicotine Reduction Therapies, like gum or patches, e-cigarettes help keep your hands stimulated while providing a cigarette-like experience without the thousands of toxic chemicals found in traditional cigarettes.

Instead of searching through thousands of smoking cessation programs available in Philadelphia, discover the best smoking cessation program in America at I Love Ecigs today.

Pennsylvania vape laws

Vaping Laws in PA came into effect towards the end of 2019. The governor, Tom Wolf, signed a bill limiting sales and possession of e-cigarettes and all nicotine-based products to minors under the age of 21. I Love Ecigs was already ahead of this curve as we pride ourselves on never selling our products to minors.

Further laws were introduced in June 2020, which placed a 40% tax on all e-cigarette and vaping products in the state, as well as, banning them from all school properties including school grounds, school vehicles, and any property owned or leased by a school district.

The device does not necessarily have to be manufactured, distributed marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette. They can also be described as e-cigars, and e-pipes or under any other product, name or description, liquid or substance placed in or sold for use in an electronic cigarette.