While there couldn’t possibly be a single trick that would work to provide encouragement and support for every person who was attempting to quit smoking, there are quite a few stay-away-from-tobacco tips that could work, and as the loved one of someone who’s looking to make the change, this blog contains some valuable advice that will assist you in providing stimulation. So, have a read and let us know which quit smoking tips were appreciated and which could use some amending.
How to provide help and encouragement to your friends and family
Is someone you love seeking your support in their quit-smoking journey? Whether you’re an ex-smoker who has successfully transitioned away from tobacco use or a trusted advisor whom others look to for advice, it’s a huge responsibility when you’re looking to provide the right encouragement and support to instill motivation in those around you.
So, if you’re on the hunt for some rewarding quit smoking tips that will best assist your loved ones on their smoke-free transformation, here are some suggestions that we think you should try:
- Do respect that your loved one is in charge and that their lifestyle change is a challenge that they need to want to overcome.
- Do communicate with the individual who’s trying to quit and ask them how they want you to approach this topic of conversation with them. Are you allowed to regularly check up? Should you ask how they’re feeling daily? Do they want you to congratulate them on their smaller successes?
- Do assure your loved one that they can talk to you whenever they need words of encouragement.
- Do assist in the occasional drop-off of quit smoking goodies, such as hard candy, plastic straws for chewing, and even some cut up veggies to help kick those mental cravings.
- Do spend some time helping to keep their mind busy. Offer to go with them to the movies or take a walk together to help the craving pass.
- Do try to invite them to smoke-free environments, meaning that you should encourage outside activities and only invite them over if no one who you live with smokes in and around the residence.
- Do help them to remove any remnants of their past smoking life, including lighters, ashtrays, and even clothing if the smell can’t be washed away.
- Do celebrate with them along the way. Quitting smoking is a pretty big deal!
- Don’t doubt their ability to give up smoking.
- Don’t judge, nag, or scold if they have a slip-up.
- Don’t call them out on their grumpiness. The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are real and usually affect their mood within the first two weeks of the quit smoking process.
- Don’t offer advice that disregards their current plan or program. Instead, ask how you can help them to make changes that may benefit their process.
How to extend your support if your loved one slips up
All people are beautifully imperfect and when someone you care for is trying to quit smoking, you need to do your best to comfort them, even if a slip up occurs.
Follow these quit smoking tips if there’s a slip:
- Do remind them of how long they went without a combustible cigarette before their slip.
- Do help the quitter remember the reasons that they wanted to stop smoking in the first place.
- Do continue to extend your encouragement and support by reminding them that wanting to quit far separates them from being a smoker.
- Don’t assume that they will start smoking as they did before. A “slip up” can range from taking a puff to smoking an entire combustible cigarette and this is a pretty common thing for someone who’s on their first few attempts.
What to do if your smoker relapses
If a relapse happens, it’s best to remind your loved ones that it’s just practice for the next time. They shouldn’t give up on their efforts and your encouragement and support are often what’s needed to give them the motivation to give quitting another go. Also, keep in mind that many smokers struggle to quit smoking cold turkey and often transition easier with the help of a Logic vape pen. E-cigs allow ex-smokers a slow progression and weans them to lower nicotine concentration levels over time. That way they never have to experience the struggles that come with nicotine withdrawal. So, if the person you care about fails to quit or starts smoking again after their first attempt, suggest e-cigs as an alternative to get the ball rolling.
In the meantime, here are some quit smoking tips for a smoker who relapses:
- Do praise them for trying to quit (whatever length of time they completed).
- Do remind them that trying again does not insinuate a failure.
- Do encourage them to learn from past attempts.
Do you have any advice to offer our readers who’re looking for support tips? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.