Vaping products have been steadily growing in popularity, and even more so since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, where combustible cigarette smokers were advised to quit to lessen their chances of contracting the deadly virus. So, whether you quit because of the delicious Logic flavors we offer or you’re still in the process of limiting your tobacco consumption, something that may persuade you to make the change is to calculate how much tax you could be saving by vaping rather than smoking.
State Vapor Excise Tax Rates, as of June 2020
Of the 50 states that make up the U.S., over half have or plan to implement a State Vapor Excise Tax in the next several months.
The current vaping taxes are as follows:
- California: 59.27% of wholesale
- Nevada: 30% of wholesale
- New Mexico: 12.5% of wholesale open, $0.50 per cartridge closed
- Kansas: $0.05/ml
- Louisiana: $0.05/ml
- Minnesota: 95% of wholesale
- Wisconsin: $0.05/ml
- Illinois: 15% of wholesale
- Ohio: $
- West Virginia: $0.075/ml
- North Carolina: $0.05/ml
- Pennsylvania: 40% of wholesale
- New York: 20% of retail
- Maine: 45% of wholesale
- Vermont: 92% of wholesale
- New Hampshire: 8% of wholesale open, $0.30/ml closed
- Massachusetts: 75% of wholesale
- Connecticut: 10% of wholesale open, $0.40/ml closed
- New Jersey: 10% of retail open, $0.10/ml closed
- Delaware: $0.05/ml
- Washington D.C.: 91% of wholesale
Planned vaping taxes are as follows:
- Utah: 56% of wholesale
- Wyoming: 15% of wholesale
- Kentucky: 15% of wholesale, $1.50/cartridge
- Virginia: $0.066/ml
Since I Love Ecigs is based in Delaware, we charge the lowest excise tax rate in the country based on the Nexus Law, a unique tax option for online sellers only. For example, a Logic Power package is only $0.12 (about 1.5%) and a Logic Pro package will be $0.15, (about 2%). So it certainly pays to buy your favorite vapes from
State Cigarette Excise Tax rates (dollars per 20-pack), as of January 2019
Of the 50 states that make up the U.S., each one possesses a State Cigarette Excise Tax that’s applicable for every 20 combustible cigarettes.
Some places are more expensive than others for smokers:
- The states with the highest tax on cigarettes are New York ($4.35), Washington D.C. ($4.50), Connecticut ($4.35), and Rhode Island ($4.25).
- The states with the lowest tax on cigarettes are Missouri ($0.17), and North Dakota ($0.44).
It’s important to note that while state tax is applied to the retail price based on which state the product is purchased in, there’s also a federal and city tax that will be applied to the bill. The current federal rate is $1.0066 per 20-pack of combustible cigarettes.
How does quitting smoking save you money?
Aside from your health and well-being, saving money is another reason that so many smokers decide to quit.
- Vaping is cheaper: Aside from the fact that many U.S. states currently don’t charge additional taxes on e-cig devices and their refills, a single cartomizer or capsule is equivalent to up to 400 puffs, which would be comparable to about 2-packs of combustible cigarettes. Looking for other ways to save on popular refills and Logic flavors? I Love Ecigs offers many saving incentives to shoppers, including membership discounts, bulk order price reductions, and weekly/monthly coupon codes that can be redeemed on an infinite number of orders.
- Save on insurance premiums: Since the health risks associated with smoking are well-known and prominent, insurers often classify smokers as higher risk, charging them more for life insurance.
- Save on health and dental: Smokers are at a higher risk of developing a variety of cancers, which can cost a small fortune in medical bills. The inhalation of smoke also breaks down the enamel on their teeth, causing yellowing, bad breath, and an increase in the cost of dental bills.
Which of the two Logic flavors have helped you to quit smoking? Tobacco or menthol? Drop a comment below to share.