On February 19, United States Postal Service (USPS) published its proposed rule, titled “Treatment of E-Cigarettes in the Mail,” in the Federal Register, and provided a 31-day window for public comment (ending on March 22). This means that you have less than two weeks to tell your government and elected representatives that you object to a ban on the shipment of vaping products. Once in place, the PACT Act ban will become law and this ban will make it harder and more costly for you to obtain your vaping products.
USPS has been ordered by Congress to impose this shipping ban, which is why the CASAA has issued a call to action for vapers to plead their case. It’s important that you click on this link and take a moment to let your voice be heard. The Postal Service, alongside Congress, needs to hear how this proposed law will hurt the ordinary consumer (as highlighted in many e-cig studies published recently in our blog).
USPS intends to add vaping products to its existing cigarette and smokeless tobacco mailing rules, which would make business-to-business shipping very challenging. Please take action now by following these steps:
Step #1: Go to the CASAA website to complete Action 1 – USPS comment.
Step #2: Enter your information to ensure your comment is delivered to USPS.
Step #3: Compose your message, then click send.
Step #4: Send a second email to your Federal lawmakers.
Step #5: Enter your information once again to ensure your comment is delivered to your members of Congress.
Step #6: A pre-written message is provided, however, you can include your personal experiences in the text.
Step #7: All of the above steps can be completed on the CASAA website.
CASAA has been made aware that some lawmakers are refusing to acknowledge the validity of organized consumer campaigns, and are insisting their constituents contact them directly via their website. Therefore, we also recommend that you copy and paste your comments and fill out the contact form on your lawmaker’s website. You can find their website by using this Legislator Lookup tool.
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