New study suggests smoking may impact cognitive function

a man smoking a cigarette

While smoking has long been known to be associated with a wide variety of health problems—including cancers and heart disease—a recent study suggests it’s the root of one more: cognitive decline. Although memory problems occur later in life for assorted reasons, there’s a link between those who smoke combustible cigarettes, putting them at an increased risk by midlife. Continue reading this blog to learn more about the study and how smoking affects the brain’s ability to remember. 

The study

Although the benefits of quitting smoking are endless, a December 2022 study out of Ohio State University suggests that the sooner you quit, the better it will be for your cognitive health. 

What were the results?

The relationship between smoking and cognitive decline was analyzed using a self-reported questionnaire. Of the 136,018 participants—which included a mixture of current smokers, recent former smokers, and ex-smokers of many years over the age of 45—approximately 11% of them reported a subjective cognitive decline (SCD).

The prevalence of SCD among smokers was 1.9 times that of non-smokers in the study. For those who had quit smoking less than 10 years ago, the prevalence was 1.5 times more than non-smokers. Moreover, those who had quit over a decade ago had an SDC prevalence that was slightly above the non-smoking subjects.

Senior author Jeffrey Wing explains that the most significant group where the benefits of quitting smoking help to impact cognitive health were among the 45 to 59-year-olds. This suggests that quitting at this stage in life is paramount.

“Quitting earlier affords people greater benefits,” said Wing.

What can we take away from the study?

Regardless of how you look at the results, it’s easy to see that the benefits of quitting smoking continue to stack up. While you reduce the risk of conditions such as respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, you also help to preserve your neurological health and reduce the risk of dementia the sooner you say goodbye to combustible cigarettes. 


At what age did you quit smoking? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Tobacco companies to be billed for combustible cigarette butt cleanup in Spain

cigarettes stub on the street

Wherever the wind blows, passersby have the potential to be exposed to the harsh smell and chemicals that are emitted from combustible cigarettes. Moreover, since there are smokers who aren’t considerate of those around them, their butts also litter the ground as a reminder they were there. As one of the most common pieces of garbage found on streets worldwide, Spain is taking a stand with a new environmental regulation. From this year onwards, tobacco companies are being forced to foot the bill for cleaning up the millions of combustible cigarette butts. Continue reading to learn more. 

What is the primary purpose of this ruling?

As an initiative to reduce waste and increase recycling, tobacco companies are now responsible for their consumer waste. Combustible cigarette manufacturers are also required to educate the public not to discard the butts. While it remains unclear how the clean-up will be implemented and what it will cost, it’s a great step for the environment!

Since it can be assumed that tobacco companies will merely pass this cost onto the consumer, it’s a great incentive to quit using stop-smoking aids like e-cigs

Is this the first time Spain has imposed stricter regulations on combustible cigarette smoking?

No. In the interests of public health and to reduce the number of combustible cigarette butts finding their way into the ocean, roughly 500 Spanish beaches have been declared smoke-free—including all 10 of the popular beach spots in Barcelona.

The government also proposed introducing a scheme whereby combustible cigarette butts could be redeemed for €0.20 each. However, this has yet to be introduced. 

Is this your sign to quit smoking?

Quitting combustible cigarette smoking is one of the most rewarding things you can do for your health and well-being. Since it’s never too late to utilize the help of stop-smoking aids, consider stumbling upon this blog as your sign to make the change.

E-cigs are one of the most popular stop-smoking aids. Each device looks and feels like a combustible cigarette but allows the user to choose their nicotine concentration level. Fulfilling both mental and physical dependencies, when the user feels ready, they can lower their intake level over time. And more great news… Logic e-cigs are recyclable so check your local recycling guidelines for details. 

Do you think more countries should hold tobacco companies accountable for their consumer litter? Drop a comment below to share.

Start your quit smoking challenge in 2023

start quit smoking challenge

It’s that time of year when many people look at their lives and begin to set goals that will help them to live healthier and happier years ahead. While New Year’s resolutions can vary from person to person, for those who smoke combustible cigarettes, it’s all about kicking back the habit for good. If you need some added motivation and tips on how to quit smoking in 2023, you’ve come to the right place!

Pick your quit date

Ex-smokers find the most success in quitting for good when they set realistic and achievable expectations. This means that once an individual decides that they want to quit smoking combustible cigarettes, it’s best to choose a date in the future to make the move. This offers the user a chance to lower their intake in that time. For example, “I want to quit cold turkey in exactly one month.” Not only will selecting a physical date to hold them accountable, but it will allow them to start weaning their nicotine intake so that the withdrawal symptoms aren’t too overwhelming.

For those who want to remove nicotine withdrawal from the equation or want to combat their mental dependency on combustible cigarettes, e-cigs are a great tool to allow the ex-smoker to choose a nicotine concentration level that can be lowered over time. E-cigs also fulfill any mental dependencies around nicotine without the harmful side effects associated with tobacco. 

Keep active

Keeping active during your quit-smoking journey is a great way to focus on maintaining your resolution. Regular exercise is known to help people who’re experiencing cravings and withdrawal symptoms, as well as ensure that weight gain doesn’t become a problem during this challenging time. 

Seek support from loved ones

Every smoker has their own personal motivation and opinions on how to quit smoking. However, having support from loved ones not only holds them accountable but also provides added willpower to keep on track. If you’re feeling like you want to smoke, call up a friend to talk or ask about meeting somewhere to go for a short walk to take your mind off things. They can also provide daily encouragement if you express that you’re struggling, which means more than other available resources. 

Successful people know that a slip is not a fall and that relapses are common—and expected. To ensure that you’re properly equipped for your 2023 quit-smoking journey, shop our selection of e-cigs today!

Are there other methods that worked for you when you were quitting smoking? Drop a comment below to share them.

How to be a considerate vaper

a woman vaper

While vaping is considerably less of a nuisance when compared to smoking, we believe that it’s important for you to have etiquette within the spaces that you’re sharing with non-vapers. Mindfulness shows consideration for others, which is something that often the traditional smoking community lacks. Continue reading below to learn more.

Don’t vape during mealtimes

Eating food is not only essential for life but it can also be a past-time for those who possess a refined interest in mealtime. Since what we smell affects the taste of our food, the considerate thing to do is to avoid vaping around others. Just because you rely on your Logic vape as a quit-smoking tool to aid in your transition away from tobacco, doesn’t mean that the people around you want to inhale your vape clouds while they’re trying to enjoy a good meal. 

Don’t vape in other people’s cars or homes

Unless you’re given permission, and no kids or pets are present, don’t assume or even try to vape in other people’s cars and homes. While vapor that expels from e-cigs doesn’t linger or cling to the interior walls and fabrics of both spaces like combustible cigarette smoke, as a rule of thumb, it’s proper etiquette to use your Logic vape outside.  

Check rules on public spaces

Although vaping outside is the best way to ensure that your habit isn’t a nuisance to those around you, there may be some public places where it’s inappropriate to do so. Be sure to look for any signage before taking a puff and be mindful of doorways or open windows. 

Tips for ensuring that you’re always considerate 

The purpose of vaping etiquette is to respect those around you and be as accommodating as you can. 

That said, here are some tips to ensure that you’re always considerate:

  • When in doubt if you can vape, just ask.
  • Respect other people’s personal space.
  • Know your audience.
  • Remember that food and vaping don’t mix for non-vapers.

Did you find the above blog to be informative? Drop a comment below to share your view with our readers.

Can quitting combustible cigarettes by 35 cancel out associated health risks?

cigarettes crushed by a fist

Smoking combustible cigarettes is a habit that’s known for being harmful to your health. However, despite its dangers, it remains a popular pastime, leaving researchers working to understand the impacts it has on the user’s health and well-being over time. An October 2022 study found that quitting smoking is associated with reduced mortality risk, meaning the sooner people stop, the more benefit they are likely to see. 

The study

Entitled, “Association Between Smoking, Smoking Cessation, and Mortality by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex Among US Adults”, the study was published on the JAMA network and highlighted connections between the hazards of combustible cigarettes and the benefits of quitting smoking.  

Although smoking is a well-established risk factor for mortality in the US population overall, there is limited evidence that associates mortality in different demographic groups, in which patterns of smoking and smoking cessation vary markedly.

What’s smoking cessation?

Smoking cessation, also called quitting smoking or stopping smoking, is the process where a user discontinues tobacco smoking. Since many people don’t want to experience the uncomfortable side effects of nicotine withdrawal, they utilize smoking cessation aids to quit tobacco altogether.

E-cigs are among the most popular smoking cessation aid, allowing users to choose their nicotine strength and lower it over time when they’re ready.  

The results

With 551,388 adult participants, areas such as smoking associated with greater all-cause mortality and never smoking irrespective of race, ethnicity, and sex were focused on. It was found that quitting smoking was associated with a reduction in excess mortality associated with continued smoking, with larger reductions among those who quit at younger ages. 

The researchers particularly noted smoking status: current smoker, former smoker, or never smoker. They also looked at when people quit and for how many years they quit smoking.

Among men and women from diverse racial and ethnic groups, quitting smoking was associated with large reductions in excess mortality associated with continued smoking. 

The study authors note that “quitting smoking before age 45 years was associated with reductions of approximately 90% of the excess mortality risk associated with continued smoking, and quitting at ages 45 to 64 years was associated with reductions of approximately 66% of this excess risk, irrespective of race and ethnicity.”

At what age did you quit smoking? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

Combustible cigarette smoking rates are down among young adults in the U.S.

destroyed cigarette

The percentage of U.S. adults who smoke combustible cigarettes has reached a new low in 2022, with the biggest decline among young adults (aged 18 to 29) when compared to any other age group. Let’s take a closer look at the data

The data

Gallup’s annual Consumption Habits survey, which has been gathering data each year from 2001 to 2022 (excluding 2020 due to COVID) has shown a significant decline in smokers between the ages of 18 to 29. 

Historically, smoking combustible cigarettes have correlated to education attainment, meaning that young adults who go to post-secondary are far less likely to smoke than those who have not graduated college. However, both groups show a significant decrease—from 17% to 7% among young college graduates and 39% to 14% among young adults without a college degree. 

To offer perspective on a larger scale, from 2001 to 2001, an average of 35% of U.S. adults in this age group said they tried smoking combustible cigarettes, compared with only 12% in the latest estimate provided in the 2022 year. The 23-percentage-point decline, as a result of education and the vast variety of nicotine replacement methods available to show them better ways how to quit smoking, this age group is now the second-least likely to smoke combustible cigarettes. 

Combustible cigarette smokers are shifting to e-cigs

Over the past three years, Gallup has also measured Americans’ use of e-cigs, with an average of 7% of U.S. reporting vaping weekly. Data also shows that among 18 to 29-year-olds, vaping is far more common, with a rate of 19%. Given these differences, it’s safe to say that young adults are vaping rather than smoking combustible cigarettes.

How to quit smoking using e-cigs?

E-cigs are a popular quit-smoking tool for ex-smokers who want to better control their nicotine intake while removing tobacco from the equation. Offering users the option to choose their e-liquid strength allows vapers to start at the level they need and slowly lower it over time without experiencing the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

What did you find most interesting about the data? Drop a comment below to start a conversation. 

3 reasons why Logic vapes make great holiday gifts

a gift box for christmas

Have you made a list of everyone that you’re shopping for this holiday season? ‘Tis the season for shopping and checking names off after you find the perfect gift. We’re here to offer three reasons why Logic vapes are the perfect gift for current smokers, struggling ex-smokers, and vapes alike. 

Logic vapes are something the gift recipient will use

Whether you know someone who has expressed that they would like to start their quit-smoking journey or you know someone who currently vapes, Logic vapes are a gift that will not go unappreciated. While many gifts get left in a junk drawer, re-gifted at a later date, or donated due to lack of use, Logic vapes are a quit-smoking tool and nicotine replacement therapy. This means that they will either encourage your loved one to become an ex-smoker or offer a new experience for the individual who’s already vaping. 

Logic vapes are appropriate regardless of the holiday you celebrate

Many holidays are celebrated around the world in the month of December—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, and so much more. Something they all have in common is the act of gift-giving. So, regardless of the festivities that take place under your roof, Logic vapes make a great holiday gift!

Logic vapes are budget-friendly

The holiday season can be a stressful time of year to budget for. Aside from Logic E-Cigs being one of the most cost-efficient e-cigs on the market, when you shop with us, you will line your pocket with additional savings. While we offer the most competitive prices on the market, guaranteed, we also allow shoppers to extend their discount by saving 4% on recurring orders, 3% by writing a review, 2% with membership, and 1% with our monthly coupon code. That’s an additional 10% on top of the 5% that’s saved site wide automatically.

Shop for Logic vapes now.

We hope you enjoy the holiday season!

Do you have a loved one who would love to receive Logic vapes as a gift? Drop a comment below to share with our readers. 

4 reasons to quit smoking in the spirit of the holidays

a woman in santa hat breaking a cigarette

The holiday season is meant for spending quality time with the ones you love most. Amid the chaos, it may seem challenging to change up your routine, especially if it involves smoking combustible cigarettes. However, since quitting smoking can be difficult, with it often feeling like never the opportune moment, we believe the season’s warmth is the perfect time for you to give it a shot. Here’s why. 

Your family and friends are around you

The best way to quit smoking is when you feel most supported. With your friends and family around you throughout the holidays, you will be so busy celebrating and catching up that you will have less time to think about your nicotine cravings. Plus, if you tell your loved ones your quit-smoking plan, they can help to keep you on track during the crucial first few days. 

Present buying will be easier

Coming up with unique gifts that people will love and genuinely use is always something on the mind when it comes to shopping for the holidays. That said, expressing that you intend to quit smoking offers an opportunity for your loved ones to shower you with tools that will help you on your journey, including e-cigs.

You can use food to substitute your cravings 

It’s no secret that nicotine is addictive and that quitting can result in a period of discomfort while your body gets used to functioning without it. While ecigs are the best way to quit smoking, allowing the user to quit tobacco and slowly lower nicotine levels over time, eating is also a great way to help with these unwanted cravings. Fill your time by trying tasty treats leaving combustible cigarettes behind you. 

It saves you money

Combustible cigarettes aren’t cheap, especially with ongoing regulations adding taxes that bring up the cost. The holiday season is also a time when it’s challenging to save money. However, if you ditch your smoking habit, those savings can go directly into your pocket. 

Why spend the holiday season out in the cold when you can be enjoying the warmth inside with your loved ones? To avoid being moody from quitting, consider substituting your nicotine intake with ecigs instead of going cold turkey!

Do you have any other driving factors in making you want to quit smoking over the holidays? Drop a comment below to let our readers know more. 

Nicotine may block estrogen production in women making it harder to quit smoking

a woman in a beanie vaping

Smokers that quit smoking combustible cigarettes with the support of e-cigs know by now that the best way to quit smoking is through e-cig use. However, why is it that women have a harder time quitting combustible cigarettes than men do? New research suggests that nicotine may block the production of estrogen in women’s brains, which would explain why they struggle more to wave goodbye to tobacco. While there is still more research that’s needed to fully understand all of the underlying mechanisms, since nicotine impacts other aspects of female biology, this blog will outline the study and why sex and gender differences are relevant for smoking cessation.  

The study

Study—A dose of nicotine, equivalent to that found in a single cigarette blocks estrogen production in women’s brains. This may explain several behavioral differences in women who smoke, including why they are more resistant than men to quitting smoking. Presented for the first time on October 17 at the 35th annual European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress in Vienna, the research indicates that nicotine may be blocking estrogen production in the female brain. 

What were the results?

The study observed a group of 10 healthy female volunteers who were given a commercially available nicotine dose intranasally. They were also injected with a radioactive tracer attached to a molecule that binds to the enzyme aromatase, also known as “estrogen synthase,” which is the enzyme that’s responsible for the production of estrogen.

MRI and PET scans were then completed to allow researchers to see the quantity of aromatase and where it was in the brain. They found a single dose moderately reduced the amount of aromatase in the brain. 

The study draws attention to what researchers already know; that women have more resistance to basic nicotine replacement therapies, which translates to a greater tendency of relapse when trying to quit smoking. 

Lead researcher Erika Comasco, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Neuropsychopharmacology at Uppsala University in Sweden said she was surprised at how powerful nicotine was on the areas of the brain targeted by addictive substances and added that they aren’t yet sure what the behavioral or cognitive outcomes are. 

“Of course, this is a comparatively small group of women, we need a larger sample to confirm these findings. Nevertheless, the message is that nicotine has various effects on the brain, including on the production of sex hormones such as estrogen,” she explained.

So, what is the best way to quit smoking? Since e-cigs offer a choice in nicotine concentration level, as well as mimic the physical features and inhalation technique of combustible cigarettes, they remain the most effective way for smokers to quit conventional cigarettes and lower their nicotine intake. 

What did you find most interesting about the above study? Drop a comment below to start a conversation.

How we help you to save for a rainy day

coins and a jar

With inflation on the rise, it’s getting harder and harder to make and follow a budget. Especially if any unexpected expenses appear. That said, since e-cigs are your lifeline to remaining smoke-free, you must remember to account for them in your fixed budget. When you shop with us, we offer a wide variety of ways that help you order some discount vapes while also putting savings aside for a rainy day. Let’s dive into all the details. 

What are rainy day savings?

The term rainy day savings is coined for funds that kick in for small, one-time expenses that haven’t been accounted for. This can include surprise expenditures like replacing a hot water heater or your child coming home with a birthday party invitation and you now need to shop for a gift. Rainy day savings offer a way for you to cover these unexpected costs without disrupting your daily budget. 

An automatic site-wide discount

We take pride in offering our customers the best prices on the market, which we guarantee with an automatic site-wide discount. This means that our discount vapes feature 5% off right off the bat, with the option to further your savings by following our other rainy day savings tips.

Offering an easy and quick order system

This method of ordering not only saves you time but also saves you money, which can then be added to your rainy day fund! Our easy and quick order system allows shoppers to receive an ongoing shipment of their favorite products at discounted prices. They simply choose the items that they love, select a quantity that they need, and determine the frequency that matches their vaping routine. Recurring orders with high quantities offer the best discounts, with the option to increase your savings when you sign up to become a member or VIP member

Use our monthly coupon code

Sent as an email on the first of each month and displayed on our homepage, the monthly coupon code is yours to use as many times as you see fit throughout the month. This added 1% in savings is our gift to you!

Additional discounts to your inbox

When products go on sale, we send emails to our subscribers. You will also receive a weekly blog email that contains a unique promo code for an additional 5% discount. This coupon must be used within 72 hours and can be combined with your membership discount. 

Friends earn you store credit

If you have a friend who’s making the switch to e-cigs, it’s worth recommending our products to them. Aside from enjoying them first-hand yourself, you can also earn $5 in store credit after they complete their first order. It’s a win, win for everyone, especially your rainy day savings fund. 

Just as saving for a rainy day prepares you for the unexpected, Betweysure prepares you for successful sports betting with expert predictions and free tips to maximize your chances of winning.

What ways do you ensure that you keep your rainy day savings fund plentiful? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.