3 tips to improving your vaping experience

a woman posing with a vape in her hand

Vaping is more than just a past-time for ex-smokers. It’s a personalized experience that allows users to control the amount of nicotine, flavor, and vapor that they consume. The best part is that while there are many devices on the market, Logic vapes are a budget-friendly, high-quality choice that offers varied levels for vapers at every stage of the journey. That said, if you’re on the hunt to improve your vaping experience, here are three tips for you. 

Buy vape products that are easily accessible

Since ex-smokers rely so heavily on their devices to remain smoke-free, it’s important that these users choose a product and a vendor that offer reliability and accessibility. A good vaping experience lies with consistency, which means that you should buy Logic vapes online with us here at I Love Ecigs. Not only are we an approved online Logic retailer but we have been in the business since e-cigs first hit the market. You can trust our service like you trust our products. 

Charge your device often

A good vaping experience means that you’re able to take some puffs whenever the cravings come knocking. This means that it’s crucial for your device to have a strong battery to last throughout the day. Aside from remembering to charge your device often (and simply keeping your charger with you) you can also consider purchasing a disposable unit that comes pre-charged for your vaping convenience. Just be sure to consider your personal preferences before making your purchase. 

Experiment with different nicotine strengths

Vaping is all about getting your nicotine satisfaction. Whether you just quit smoking combustible cigarettes or you’re ready to lower your nicotine concentration amount, experimenting with the wide variety of options available is a great way to not only change up your vaping experience but to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your e-cig. When you shop and buy Logic vapes online, you gain access to everything you need for now and down the road.

We hope this short guide helps in improving your vaping experience going forward. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Why smoking affects your energy levels

While some smokers falsely believe that combustible cigarettes increase their energy levels, this sense of well-being is a myth. Although smoking can induce a sense of calm, this effect is very temporary, and after a short time, fatigue and stress take over once again. Then, it becomes a vicious cycle of needing a combustible cigarette to ensure that you continue to feel good. This is the hold that nicotine has on us. While we can’t tell you how to quit smoking to ensure success, we can explain the science behind why it affects your energy levels and how e-cigs are better overall. 

How does nicotine impact energy levels?

If you ask any current smoker, they’re bound to tell you that smoking gives them a boost of clarity, energy, and calmness. However, this is the result of nicotine—a stimulant found naturally in tobacco. When nicotine enters the bloodstream, it goes directly to the brain, causing a boost of energy and stress reduction. While this sounds great, these effects are short-lived, making it so the smoker needs to continue smoking to achieve the same effects. When levels begin to crash, the smoker will feel agitated, which means they must light up another cigarette to boost their mood. Over time, the individual adapts to a certain amount of nicotine intake and will require more to feel “normal”, therefore continuing the vicious cycle of smoking.  

How does smoking decrease energy levels?

Smoking combustible cigarettes are known to lead to a range of health complications, including a serious toll on the user’s energy levels. This is because smokers have a lower lung capacity than that of non-smokers. When less oxygen is going to the lungs, brain, muscles, and other systems, this leads to fatigue and reduced respiratory function. The more the person continues to smoke, the more these systems are eroded of their natural energy levels.

How does smoking affect your blood sugar levels?

Aside from the above, another way that smoking combustible cigarettes impact energy levels is the effects tobacco smoke has on blood sugar levels. Tobacco reduces the body’s sensitivity to insulin. When someone eats carbs or sugar, their body naturally converts these substances into glucose—a natural sugar that’s used for energy. However, processing glucose is done in the pancreas through the release of insulin. If your body isn’t producing insulin naturally, it doesn’t know what to do with these substances, which can eventually lead to type II diabetes. 

How to quit smoking

The best thing that you can do for your energy levels and overall health is to quit smoking entirely. However, most people that choose to quit succumb to nicotine withdrawals, which can have them feeling exhausted and irritable for days. This is why ex-smokers opt to use nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) to help them overcome this challenging time. 

Here are some popular NRTs:

Of all of the options out there, only e-cigarettes have the capacity to meet both the physical need for nicotine and the psychological/habitual desire for that hand-to-mouth exhaling and inhaling sensation. Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach for how to quit smoking, we recommend that you research the options to determine what will work best for your journey.

Did you try multiple NRTs or only e-cigs when you quit smoking? Drop a comment below to let us know.

New to vaping? Here are some dos and don’ts

a woman with vape smoke art

Since e-cigs were created to be used as smoking cessation aids, it only makes sense that these devices mimic the tastes and feel of combustible cigarettes. However, these stop-smoking tools also differ in a wide variety of ways—they require maintenance, you can choose your nicotine concentration levels, and you can buy vapes online. So, whether you’re a beginner who knows nothing about how to vape or you just want a quick refresher, here is your guide to the dos and don’ts to better improve your overall vaping experience.

What are the dos of vaping?

Aside from keeping you smoke-free, your e-cig should:

  • Be kept clean: Your device’s mouthpiece and connecting areas can build up residue over time, which can affect the quality and flavor of your e-liquids. Generally, you want to clean your device as often as you can. All you need is water and a paper towel. 
  • Use proper storage: Despite your e-liquid’s relatively long shelf life, you should still do your best to maintain its flavor. Store extra disposable devices and cartomizer/capsule replacements in a cool, dry environment, away from direct sunlight. 
  • Gradually reduce nicotine strength: While it’s okay to use a high-level nicotine e-liquid to quit smoking at first, the goal should be to gradually decrease your intake over time. Be sure to satisfy your vaping experience and switch to a lower concentration amount in a time frame that works for you. 
  • Experiment between devices: When you buy vapes online you gain access to the most versatile products on the market. Be sure to try a mix of devices and flavors before you select the one that suits you best. Since Logic is one of the best brands on the market, we recommend you start with a device from one of their many lineups.

What are the don’ts of vaping?

Now that you’ve learned some vaping considerations, here are a few suggestions:

  • Keep it to yourself: Whether you are visiting friends or outside an establishment, always consider who your audience is when you vape. Even if your device possesses low nicotine concentration, passersby don’t want to be clouded up by vapor, so it’s important to be considerate.
  • Don’t overcharge your device: Leaving your device to the point where it overcharges is damaging to the battery. The best thing you can do is charge it more often so that you can avoid leaving it unattended overnight.
  • Don’t forget to drink water: Similar to smoking combustible cigarettes, the more you vape, the more you might experience dry mouth. It is easy and good for you to keep hydrated throughout the day, so why not stay on top of it? There are several apps available that can remind you to drink water throughout the day.
  • Don’t go back to smoking combustible cigarettes: Every ex-smoker’s goal is to remain smoke-free and the best thing you can do is keep it that way. Since it’s counterproductive to swap back and forth between vaping and smoking, consider upping your nicotine strength or trying a different device if the transition is challenging.

Whether your supply is short or you simply don’t know where to buy vapes online, we’ve got you covered here at iloveecigs.com!

How did you get started on your vaping journey? Drop a comment below and let us know.

The effects of smoking on oral health

Aside from the yellowing of the teeth and bad breath, people who smoke also have a higher risk of gum problems, tooth loss, and mouth cancer. While quitting smoking should be a no-brainer at this point, reducing risks associated with oral health and treatment should be at the top of the list to convince smokers to become ex-smokers. Learn more about the effects of smoking on oral health and why vaping is a better option for your teeth.

What does smoking do to your teeth and gums?

Listed below are some of the most common oral problems affecting those who smoke combustible cigarettes:

  • Gum disease
  • Mouth cancer
  • Whitening of the soft tissue in the mouth, also known as smoker’s keratosis
  • Poor healing after tooth removal, also known as dry socket
  • Poor healing after mouth or gum surgery
  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth loss
  • Decreased taste

Can your gums get better after quitting smoking? 

Yes. When smokers quit combustible cigarettes, their risk of developing gum disease is lowered, with a much higher response to gum treatment. However, shortly after quitting you may notice that your gums bleed more. This is normal and will eventually go away with regular brushing, flossing, and a checkup from your dentist. 

How to prevent further teeth and gum problems?

While we’ve established that quitting smoking is the best way to improve your oral health, there are some additional actions that you can take to prevent tooth and gum problems:

  • If you’re finding it difficult to quit smoking altogether, try reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke to start off with.
  • Clean your teeth and gums with fluoride toothpaste daily.
  • Use dental floss.
  • Visit your dentist one to two times a year.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine intake.

Is vaping better for your teeth?

While nicotine does restrict blood flow to the gums, the chemicals within tobacco are far more menacing to your oral care, leading to plaque buildup and tooth decay. Start by transitioning to an e-cig that meets your current nicotine needs and make it your mission to lower your intake, therefore lowering your risk of developing oral health issues. 

For those who vape, have you noticed any big chances with your teeth and gums? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

4 ways to quit smoking and boost your recovery

ways to stop smoking cigarette

As warmer weather approaches, we’re motivated to spend more time outside, and with that comes a focus on making some healthy changes. Though many people tend to steer towards things like losing weight or toning their muscles, the healthiest choice that you can make for yourself if you smoke combustible cigarettes is to quit. Plus, for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, listed below are four ways that smoking cessation can help you to kickstart a boost in your recovery. 

Getting outside is a good distraction 

Those who smoke combustible cigarettes often have some habitual places, people, or situations that contribute to their routines. For example, with your morning coffee or at social functions. However, you can help yourself to break these habits by changing your scenery. Instead of having a combustible cigarette alongside your coffee in the morning, shake things up by taking your coffee for a walk instead. Not only does a breath of fresh air help with any intense cravings but exercise is a great way to suppress them. That said, if your tobacco addiction is more mental, e-cigs are a great tool that can replace your combustible cigarettes. 

Regular exercise combats weight gain

As mentioned above, you can turn your outside time into workout time. Not only does this make it easier for you to achieve your weight loss goals but if you make it a regular thing you may even tone up, get stronger, and boost your mood in the process, which all helps with your ability to stay sober at the same time. 

Take part in spring cleaning

There’s no great feeling than opening up your windows to let the fresh air in after a long winter of being cooped up. It’s also a great time to organize and clean your home, wash extra clothing, and get rid of anything that you’re not using. Even if you have only lived in your current space for a short time, you may be surprised at how quickly things accumulate and at how good it will feel to clear out your space in recovery. Plus, while you’re keeping yourself busy, you aren’t thinking about smoking combustible cigarettes either. 

Learn to relax naturally in nature

We often hear that people rely on smoking combustible cigarettes to help ease their stress. However, it revs up your heart rate and causes several other stress-inducing health problems. If you’re stressed, how can you expect to stick to your journey? So, if you’re trying to quit smoking to boost your recovery, it’s important to get outside and find healthy ways to decrease stress or relieve stress during a tough moment. Simply breathing in the fresh air, standing in the sun, and spending time people-watching are great ways to naturally enjoy your surroundings and improve your ability to stay sober and quit smoking. That said, if there are others in your vicinity who are smoking, we recommend keeping an e-cig on hand to deter any cravings to light up a combustible cigarette. Other great smoking cessation options are nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, or a nicotine patch. 

Quitting smoking does not threaten sobriety and breaking free from tobacco addiction will help you to learn healthier coping mechanisms to remain sober.

Are you ready to quit smoking? Which smoking cessation aid will you be relying on for those tough days?

Is it harder to quit smoking for rural or urban Americans?

a man taking a cigarette out from cigarette pack

Does accessibility to combustible cigarettes and/or smoking cessation aid greatly affect the prevalence of smoking? While a user’s willpower is the greatest driving force behind how to quit smoking successfully, a new study has unearthed evidence that suggests rural-living Americans have a harder time giving up tobacco products when compared to urban-living Americans. Here’s what we know about it. 

The study

The study entitled, “Trends in Rural and Urban Cigarette Smoking Quit Ratios in the U.S. From 2010 to 2020” outlined exactly what the name suggests. The team of researchers was led by Maria Parker, an assistant professor of epidemiology, and biostatistics at the IU School of Public Health-Bloomington, Indiana. With the findings published in the Jama Network open, the study examined both current smokers—defined as having smoked one or more combustible cigarettes in the past month and former smokers—defined as having smoked combustible cigarettes in the past year. The researchers only analyzed those who have smoked at least 100 combustible cigarettes in a lifetime.

What were the results?

Between the years 2010 to 2020, a larger proportion of rural Americans smoked cigarettes—and their odds of quitting smoking were lower—when compared to those living in urban areas. Combustible cigarette smoking prevalence is higher in rural than urban US communities and people in rural vs urban areas are more likely to die prematurely, which has been associated with reduced healthcare access and smoking cessation barriers.

Of the 161,348 cigarette smokers analyzed, 33.5% were former smokers. Current smoking prevalence was higher in rural than urban areas—19.2% vs 14.4%—whereas quit ratios were similar in rural and urban areas—52.9% and 53.9%.

Our findings support that a persistent rural/urban disparity exists. Not only were smoking prevalence estimates higher in rural areas but quit ratios were lower. Rural residents may face more barriers to using smoking cessation services”, said Parker.  

Want our expert opinion on how to quit smoking? While buying e-cigs online isn’t the solution for everyone, it allows those living in more remote areas access to products that may not be available in their local shops. Not only does this offer convenience but it narrows the gap of accessibility that’s faced by rural smokers.

Do you think it’s harder to get quit smoking aid in rural communities? Drop your opinion in the comments section below.

Quitting smoking may lower the risk of dementia

a puzzle piece of a brain

While it’s already known that smoking cessation lowers an ex-smokers risk of dementia this study uses data to examine the association between changes in smoking intensity (cessation and reduction) and dementia risk. That said, although the benefits of quitting smoking are endless in terms of health and well-being, this study focuses on the direct effects of smoking combustible cigarettes and the onset of various types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VD). Here’s what we know. 

The study

Entitled, “Association of Changes in Smoking Intensity With Risk of Dementia in Korea”, the study was published in Jama Network Open, an American Medical Association monthly journal. Upon investigating smoking and its association with the development of dementia, researchers at the Seoul National University College of Medicine found that the exposure change in smoking intensity over time either lowered or heightened the patient’s risk of developing a type of dementia.  

What were the results? 

Enrolling 126,252 patients, the study examined subjects with a median age of 62.2 years; 61.9% being men and 38.1% being women. The smoking status of the population was 65,579 never-smokers (51.9%), 34,670 ex-smokers (27.5%), 8,919 quit smokers (7.1%), and 17,084 current smokers (13.5%).

Dementia occurred in 5,925 patients during a follow-up period of 3.1 years. There were 4,395 patients with AD and 951 with VD. 

Current smokers and quit smokers were shown to have the highest risk of dementia when compared with never-smokers. Interestingly enough, ex-smokers did not have a statistically significantly higher risk than never-smokers, which shows that from the moment you quit smoking, you lower your risk of dementia. 

Is a lower risk of developing dementia one of the biggest benefits of quitting smoking?

Although lowering your risk of dementia is a really good reason to quit smoking today—either through the use of e-cigs, nicotine gum, or for those who can handle the withdrawal effects, cold turkey—there are so many health-related benefits of quitting smoking. Lower your risk of heart disease, heart attacks, developing cancer and so much more when you choose to quit today!

Does dementia run in your family? Maybe it’s related to smoking and not genetics? Let’s have a conversation in the comments section below. 

New study offers insight into why e-cigs are the best quit smoking aids

crushing cigarette in one hand

While there’s no one method for how to quit smoking that will work for everyone, the use of e-cigs has proven to be one of the most effective aids. Especially when popular vapes are compared with nicotine patches and gum. That said, we aren’t just saying this because we want to sell our devices. Studies are showing the same evidence, including this recent review published by Cochrane, an international not-for-profit organization.

The study

According to the Cochrane Report titled, “Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation”, there is a high certainty evidence that smokers are more likely to stop smoking combustible cigarettes within six months using e-cigs versus other nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) like nicotine patches or gum. 

Since tobacco smoking is known to cause health issues like lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema, along with an increased risk of heart disease, it’s important for those who smoke combustible cigarettes to quit as soon as possible to reduce their chances of developing long-term health problems.

Curious about how to quit smoking? Continue down to the results section of this review to learn why e-cigs are your best bet at quitting for good.

What were the results?

Data from the review showed that while 6 in 100 people quit smoking combustible cigarettes through the use of another type of NRT, 8 to 12 in 100 people successfully quit with the help of e-cigs. Moreover, those who replaced combustible cigarettes with e-cigs also reduced their smoking intake by half within 24 weeks of use, which coincided with the reduction of their exposure to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. 

The Cochrane study results also showed that it did not detect evidence of serious harm from the use of nicotine e-cigarettes when used to quit smoking.

“We welcome the Cochrane report which adds to a growing body of evidence showing that e-cigarettes are an effective smoking cessation tool. We strongly discourage those who have never smoked from using e-cigarettes, especially young people.” Michelle Mitchell, chief executive at Cancer Research UK, said.

Do you think e-cigs are the best way for smokers to quit combustible cigarettes? Drop a comment below to share with our readers.

Heavy smoking impacts treatment of periodontitis

While numerous studies have come forward in recent years pointing towards the drastic effects of what smoking combustible cigarettes can do to your body and well-being, this new study draws attention to the serious impact it has on the treatment of periodontitis—a widespread condition that leads to degradation of the teeth’s supportive tissue, and in really serious cases, complete loss of the teeth. Whether you’ve been struggling to come up with a reason to quit combustible cigarettes, had a recent tobacco relapse, or are just genuinely interested in the study, continue reading to learn more below.

The study

The study entitled, “Effect of smoking exposure on nonsurgical periodontal therapy: 1-year follow-up” was conducted by Aarhus University and published in the Journal of Dental Research. Researchers examined the effect of different levels of smoking on the clinical results of the treatment of more or less advanced cases of periodontitis. 

While there are many advantageous health benefits of vaping vs. smoking, for the purpose of this study, only the effects of smoking were analyzed. 

What were the results?

The study shows that heavy smokers with the most severe forms of inflammation obtained no benefit from the treatment, whereas heavy smokers with moderate periodontitis only had a 50 percent effect from the treatment, when compared to smokers with less tobacco consumption.

“To our surprise, we could see that the disease had actually grown worse in some parameters in the hardest-hit group, despite the fact that this particular group had received the most extensive, individually-designed treatment,” explained Julie Pajaniate, an MHH dental hygienist and one of the authors behind the study.

While the treatment of this disease is adapted to each period, with some only needing deep cleansings of the affected teeth, others require surgeries that involve removing the infected teeth. So, since it’s estimated that around 40 per cent of the U.S. population is affected by periodontitis—with severities ranging between each patient—there is a need for smoking cessation to lower the risk.

Currently, dentists and dental hygienists refer patients to quit-smoking courses but in the case of heavy smokers, a worsening of the disease requires active treatment, which is why e-cigs could be a crucial first step in boosting the effective treatment of the disease

Do you know anyone that suffers from periodontitis? Do you think the health benefits of vaping vs. smoking would help them?

2 reasons you should swap your disposable e-cigs for rechargeable e-cigs in 2023

a woman looking at disposable e-cigarette

While e-cigs are being used worldwide as aids to stop smoking traditional cigarettes, not every device is created equal. For example, unlike other options on the market, Logic vapes are available for purchase, offered in varied nicotine strengths, and are approved for sale and marketing in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). On top of all that, it’s easy for ex-smokers to transition from combustible cigarettes to disposable units. However, after a reasonable amount of time has passed, we recommend swapping disposable Logic vapes for a rechargeable unit. Continue reading to learn why. 

The environmental impact

Whilst e-cigs are much better for the environment than combustible cigarettes, some have less of an impact than others. Although disposables are a great alternative to smoking, offering an experience that’s comparable both physically and mentally, these devices are designed for single use. Even though these units can be recycled once the tank is empty, not everyone who uses them is responsible, which means that some devices end up on the ground or in landfills. This is why we recommend that vapers first gain experience with a disposable unit, but swap over to rechargeable Logic vapes as soon as they’re comfortable. These units are equally as powerful and comparable experience-wise, but since they’re rechargeable, the user gets a much longer lifespan out of them, which is great news for the environment. 

Better batteries

Disposable e-cigs come equipped with a pre-charged battery that’s designed to power the device until the e-liquid tank is empty. That said, rechargeable Logic vapes possess a bigger battery capacity that can be recharged and power the unit over and over again. 

Here are some more reasons that vapers love a good rechargeable battery:

  • More power means more vapor and better hits
  • More power means more control in each puff
  • These batteries can be turned off when not in use, which conserves the power 

We hope you enjoyed our blog! While your vape journey is entirely your own, we’re always happy to extend a helping hand. Please drop a comment below if you have any questions about disposable or rechargeable Logic vapes.