While the Logic vapes collection is known within the vaping community for its simplicity when transitioning from combustible cigarettes to e-cigs, it can be challenging to narrow down which Logic product will best meet your needs. Although it’s possible to rotate between a variety of units, most vapers prefer routine and find the most success when they use the same device for a set amount of time. That said, since the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System and the Logic Power Series are both rechargeable, refillable units, we wrote this blog to highlight how they differ to assist with your next purchasing decision.
What makes these Logic vapes similar?
To compare similarities, we’ve chosen to focus on flavor, smell, touch, and appearance as well as rechargeability and refillability:
Flavor: Both the Logic Pro and Logic Power devices are sold in tobacco to provide ex-smokers with a fulfilling vaping experience that mimics a flavor they’re already fond of.
Smell: Vapor dispels quickly, producing no smell.
Touch: Both the Logic Pro and Logic Power devices offer users hand-to-mouth inhalation, meaning the device needs to be inhaled and exhaled like a combustible cigarette. The motion enables ex-smokers to fulfill their mental dependency on combustible cigarettes. However, the logic Pro requires you to press a button first to activate it, the Logic Power starts immediately upon inhaling.
Appearance: The Logic Power device is a slender, cig-a-like unit that closely resembles the weight and size of a combustible cigarette. The Logic Pro is a thicker device.
Rechargeability: Both the Logic Pro and Logic Power devices must be charged when the battery is depleted.
Refillability: Both the Logic Pro and Logic Power devices require the user to replace with a new capsule or cartomizer when the tank becomes empty.
What makes these Logic vapes different?
To compare differences, we’ve chosen to focus on cost, robustness, and nicotine concentration level:
Cost: The Logic Power Series is a cheaper option than the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System. However, both devices feature discounted rates when shopping on iloveecigs.com!
Robustness: the Logic Pro hit is stronger than the Logic Power due to its bigger battery.
Nicotine concentration level: The Logic Power Series is offered in a robust 2.4% nicotine strength, which is a great option for first-time vapers and those who have recently quit combustible cigarettes. Whereas the Logic Pro Advanced Vapor System is offered in a vigorous 1.8% nicotine strength, which is a great option for those who were light ex-smokers or users who want to lower their nicotine intake.
Overall, the differences are mainly in the nicotine level and robustness. Which Logic vape would you choose to use is entirely based on preference after reading reviews and testing out each product for yourself!
Which Logic vape do you use? Drop a comment below to persuade new vapers in your direction.